[ TBS ] Naughty Virus

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172 comments, last by Wai 14 years, 10 months ago
Re: Real life experience

I only had two sessions of real-life play.

The first session was a 1v1, the other person wanted to play again immediately.

The second session was a 1v1v1, but the third person wanted to watch first so we played a 1v1 before playing 1v1v1. After the game, no one wanted to play but the new person wanted to get someone else to play it when we would meet.

My conclusion is that the game is obviously not for every one. But it is at least simple enough that most people would try it once when they see it.

I think that there is almost no way for a new player to kill a player who had played it before. So perhaps the next time, when we introduce the game to new players, we actually let the new players play each other first, because people that encounters the game first would have problem reading the paths.

How long did your game last? Mine trials lasted less than 5 minutes using perhaps 12 tiles only.


When there are more than 3 players, it is really easier for people to gang up on a player and just kill them outright. In that case you discover who your group hates.
Star command:
Rotate H4 2xCW.
Move to G4 to H5, just for good measure.

One thing I've noticed is that moving feels very cheap, almost free, because it's not that necessary most of the time. The only exception to this is when I've wanted to move before rotating.
1UP's command:
Place Left tile to E4, CWx1. Stay.

Day 20 Bunny
[ NV946 (Image) ]
Bunny's options:
1) Pick one: [ Spawn | Place | Rotate | Wait ]
2) Pick one: [ Move | Stay ]
3) Pick one: [ Expose | Keep ]

Re: Movement
The concept was that it gives some hints to the opponents as to what the virus is trying to do.

[Edited by - Wai on June 4, 2009 4:16:14 AM]
Bunny Command:
Rotate I1 1xCCW. Stay.
Just played 1v1 and 1v1v1 with my family, boardless deathmatch. They liked it once they got the hang of the rules. All our kills tonight resulted from the victim making oversights, rather than being genuinely out-thought.

Even in a technically "boardless" deathmatch, without any landmarks, there is still a place for a board as an alignment aid.

Speaking of landmarks, I think the reason for the increased emphasis on landmarks is this: In a boardless deathmatch, there's nothing for it but to go for the kill. But in a boarded game, the landmarks/extra hosts allow one to establish a position before going and killing the other guy. It's a security thing. Of course, there's also the human desire to possess, which I'm certain played a role in it. They give a certain direction to the game.

To make my set, I just downloaded some large hex graph paper and drew the tiles on it. It works as an experimental set, but the paper curls and it's kind of annoying. Everyone has their own idea of what to make the next set out of (felt, foamboard, or wood). I guess that means they're getting into it. I'll have a picture of my current set tomorrow.
Day 20 Star
[ NV047 (Image) ]
Star's options:
1) Pick one: [ Spawn | Place | Rotate | Wait ]
2) Pick one: [ Move | Stay ]
3) Pick one: [ Expose | Keep ]

[Edited by - Wai on June 5, 2009 4:22:32 AM]
Can we move more than one virus at the end of our turn?
Here's the set we played with last night. Star has just connected with the green spiral and killed it.

I heartily recommend foamboard. You won't get as perfect edges unless you're real good with the razor blade, but the pieces are much sturdier. Where did you get such big hex graph paper? I had to use trigraph paper and mark out hexes on it.

Also, I like the way you set up your starting positions there.

I'm currently writing a version of this in XNA. I'm implementing tile placement and rotation right now, and then I am going to implement tokens/viruses and path ownership.

I want to create a simple way to add other rulesets to the game, using the same pieces - after that, I'll probably start shopping for help. So if anyone wants to contribute to this project, stop by #virex on Afternet.
Re: Movement

You can only move one virus at a time.

Nice Virus!

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