good 2d game engine?

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4 comments, last by gordon7up 14 years, 8 months ago
probably been asked a million times but I cant find it :/ Anyhow, Im looking for a decent 2d engine, I would like to throw together a simple platformer or shmup, im more and artist and less a programmer so something thats relatively light on code, or if anyones looking for some 2d art for a simple shooter etc?? thanks.
If you're not into the coding, I'd recommend something like GameMaker.

There's still some logic and code involved, but it's pretty minimal. Also there are example shooters on their site that can get you started pretty quick.
niceone and thanks for the reply..
another nice new one, that's beta and open source is Construct

I´ll second Gamemaker because you can really do anything 2D with it (advanced games can be a struggle thou since it lacks classes/structures).

Very good if you want test a game-concept or similar in a very short time.
Blekinge Institute of Technology
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will give both a look over, just played around a bit with gam maker, looks good.


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