Help! Playing video in OpenGL

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2 comments, last by ckdur 14 years, 6 months ago
Hello all! (Excuse me for my English level) I'm new in this forum and I need help playing video in OpenGL. Well, in this moment, I use the Nehe's tutorial for playing AVIs videos, but some problems come while i'm playing video, as: - Cannot be compiled in linux - Finding the video codec for each video takes 150-500 milliseconds for initialize. - Consumes 1.2 KB in Ram memory each video, and I need 200 pre-charged videos! I can use pre-charged videos or play videos in progress while my game is executed. I try to use another libraries, but... - Using FFMPEG cannot solve link externals (I compiled the library shared in MinGW, including the .lib at project) for MSVC++ - I can't use SMPEG, because i can't find any version for MSVC++ So, anybody can help me whit this? I'm worried about not being able to make my program. Thanks!
I tend to use OpenCV. Here's the basic code for loading and reading frames of video.

CvCapture* video = cvCaptureFromFile("video.avi");...IplImage* frame = cvQueryFrame(video);...cvReleaseCapture(&video);
Author Freeworld3D
OK... I'll Check... Thanks!
Well... I test OpenCV, but it's the same problem, OpenCV uses VFW implicitly. Finding the codec and showing each frame takes some time. OpenCV cannot controlate the video (just as Play, Pause, Goto, etc)

I'm now testing SMPEG (I found how to make the libs for MSCV++, and this is disponible for linux), but some problems are shown. My question is:

- Which codecs can I use for SMPEG?

Because the Bug is in 'smpeg.dll' file. Any ideas? Please?


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