oh boy, another Q about books

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4 comments, last by _Buster_ 22 years, 9 months ago
Yep I know you guys love em. I have a question about a book I should buy. I know practicaly nothing about OpenGL now, but am reading NeHe''s tutorials. So which book strictly about OpenGL do you all recomend? Something below $70 I hope. Something, that will, teach OpenGL, and explain it. I don''t want a book that just talks about it. So any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! _BUSTER_ www.crosswinds.net/~dotspot ______________________________ Check out my for sale domain name! http://www.theatermonkey.com
Funny, I just posted this in another thread
I suggest OpenGL(R) Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.2
While this isn''t geared toward lightning fast OpenGL or game related OpenGL, you learn how it works, and what just about everything does. Nice solid foundation. Also, the index actually makes it a great reference book (if you don''t want to buy the actual reference book ;P)
You can get the Official Guide AND the Official Reference online in PDF format for free.
OpenGL Game Programming

Admin for GameDev.net.

"OpenGl game programming" no doubt
OpenGL game programming kicks major arse, I just got it and it is prolly the best newbie OpenGL book out. Damn good book worth the money easily.

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