Getting A Degree In Florida

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1 comment, last by GninjaGnome 14 years, 2 months ago
I'm at the point where I need to be picking out a college. I thought of going to Full Sail but it doesn't seem very good. So I am supposed to go for a regular Software Engineering degree I guess. I heard there was a good one in Texas. But I really don't want to move that far. Are there any good colleges around South Florida?
Mr. or Ms. TMD, you should:
1. Try the lists of schools ("View Forum FAQ," above)
2. Try this link

-- Tom Sloper --

I have a few friends that graduated, and a few currently attending Ringling College in Sarasota. They’ve all had great things to say about the school and I’ve seen lots of improvement in the work of the friends that currently attend.

I think it’s a bit expensive, but if you have the cash, it’s worth checking out.

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