PIX Error with CreateTexture()

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2 comments, last by MJP 13 years, 11 months ago
I Create Two RenderTarget,one is ARGB8 and one is D24S8. Draw the Scene into the two RenderTarget. But when i use PIX debug the vertex shader or pixel shader, there is a error:IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL. if i do not Create the D24S8 RenderTarget,it is ok. i knew the PIX may error when create the RenderTarget with INTZ or R32F, but i have no idea about this time.
D24S8 isn't a valid surface format for a texture. It's only available as an "extension" for certain ATI and Nvidia hardware. The reference device doesn't implement it, and when you debug a shader PIX will use the ref device to play back all calls in that frame. Since the ref device can't create a texture of that format, it fails.
Quote:Original post by MJP
D24S8 isn't a valid surface format for a texture. It's only available as an "extension" for certain ATI and Nvidia hardware. The reference device doesn't implement it, and when you debug a shader PIX will use the ref device to play back all calls in that frame. Since the ref device can't create a texture of that format, it fails.

id there any way i can use the PIX debug the shader?
Not that I know of. At work I put in an R32F fallback for debug builds so that we could continue to debug shaders.

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