Is OpenGL good for games?

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27 comments, last by JnZ 22 years, 9 months ago
quote:Original post by draqza
Wow... an OpenGL vs. DirectX thread that hasn''t turned into an out-and-out flamewar and hasn''t been closed by a mod.

Personally, I prefer DX, but I''m biased because OpenGL programs don''t run right when I compile them on my computer.

I have the exact opposite problem: OpenGL apps run perfectly but DX apps don''t.
quote:Original post by xlauvillx
hmm, where can i find info on OpenAL, HawkNL and SDL for use in my games? anyone?

SDL, HawkNL, OpenAL (also see this for the OpenAL SDK for Win32). SDL and OpenAL are great libraries (I''m going to be using both in my current project), I haven''t tried HawkNL, but it looked pretty good from what I saw.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
unfortunatly the future of openal aint looking to good at the mo
quote:Original post by zedzeek
unfortunatly the future of openal aint looking to good at the mo

Actually, it's pretty good.

Quake III
Mac OS X

And lots of others. Opengl isn't going to die any time soon.

Whoops. The letter a does look a little like the letter g, doesn't it?

Edited by - gph-gw on August 24, 2001 12:43:43 AM
He said OpenAL AAAAAAAAAAL. Why is OpenAL not looking too good?
I''ve never posted in reply to a DX v OGL post before so here''s my first

Just as almost everyone has been saying... they are the same!! Regarding performance at least. Certain cards run certain api''s better but I think you get the idea by now.

I think there are just 2 main differences that forced me to use OpenGL for my project.

The first is the most important. OpenGL will run on almost any card (run, does not mean compile ). I had an OpenGL app run on a 4mb integrated video card. A similar app, with a few less features, in DX8, I have only known to run on 2 computers. Mine (Geforce) and another (unknown). So for compatibility sake with older cards as well as new, OpenGL kicks ass.

Secondly there''s the cross platform milarky. I''m not too bothered about this since win32 is currently the main gaming platform (and the way things are going, is likely to stay that way), but the option''s there.

Oh - and for the beginner, you will find many more OpenGL resources than DX. Probably cause DX changes so much each year, it makes it difficult to keep up.

So both API''s are good, but if you want to support older cards, or have cross platform functionality, OpenGL it is. If your just using a Win32 system and only plan to support the latest cards you can go for either API, or better still, both.

quote:Original post by Drizzt DoUrden
Direct X is better if you are trying to make 2D games because 1)there are barely any tutorials on making 2D games in opengl 2) there no books on making 2D games in openGl.

Why should there be one ? OpenGL superbible and OpenGL redbook teach you 2d as well 3d in OpenGL. They are good enough. Only they teach you OpenGL, not how to make a game.

quote:Original post by Drizzt DoUrden
2D games can be made with OpenGL, but good luck finding out how, I have been trying for almost 20 days, searching al over the net, but all I can find is NeHe's 21st tutorial.
And yes, direct x does make 3d games, they can do everything the same way, just 2D with openGL is harder to find out how to do, and to do in general.

3d is nothing but 2d + perspective. If someone who knows how to code a 3d game says 2d is very difficult, or totally impossible for him/her I find it very amusing. I suppose you should re-read 2d-coordinate geometry which when it comes down to OpenGL simply implies that z coordinate is 0 and for which instead of using the 3d and 3f functions one can use 2d and 2f's. You just have to know your math basics well, thats all.

I have done some 2d animations in OpenGL so I find it hard to believe 2d in OpenGL is difficult.

Lastly the answer for 2d in OpenGL is in front of you, you haven't been trying hard.

Edited by - flame_warrior on August 25, 2001 11:56:27 AM
Hello from my world
If (by some wierd chance) you get the opportunity to port your game to XBox. I think DirectX would be better. I think it can run OpenGL apps as well. But being a Microsoft box, I think it would be easier to port DirectX and keep it at optimal performance.
"And then John said to himself, 'Frank, your name isn't Louis'"ICQ: 95606082AIM: freakyboffY! : freakyboffMSN:
just wanna point out the gamecube uses opengl for the graphics side of things. + also ps2 is capable of using opengl

a key force in the development of openal has gone out of business ''loki''
openml (media language) though is looking very good

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