GLExpert and GLee error?

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-1 comments, last by lephyrius 13 years, 6 months ago
I'm using GLee for GL 2.0 support. Thats not a problem.
But now I investigate a bug so I need NVidia GLExpert for debugging. What include order do I need for the "nvapi.h" and "Glee.h"?
I only get these errors:
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(239): error C3861: 'glDrawBuffers': identifier not found
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(257): error C3861: 'glGenBuffers': identifier not found
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(258): error C3861: 'glBindBuffer': identifier not found
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(265): error C3861: 'glBufferData': identifier not found
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(277): error C3861: 'glDrawBuffers': identifier not found
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(406): error C3861: 'glBlendEquation': identifier not found
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(468): error C3861: 'glBindBuffer': identifier not found
1>graphicssubsystem.cpp(494): error C3861: 'glBindBuffer': identifier not found

In any order I include them.

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