3d noise texture

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8 comments, last by PolyVox 13 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone know a link to get a 3d noise texture saved in dds format? I have searched around but can't find anything...
You can use the DirectX Texture Tool (comes with the DirectX sdk).
I'm looking for a pre-made 3d noise texture...
Well, I don't know any link ... though you could generate one on your own, it is quite simple. Here is some page describing how to generate perlin noise http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm it shouldn't be that hard to do it 3D.

In GPU Gems 2 there also was article on generating noise (3d noise also I think, but not sure) - http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter26.html

And you can also use libnoise to generate 3D noise.
In documentation it is double Perlin::GetValue(double x,double y,double z) procedure i think.

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff - http://gameprogrammerdiary.blogspot.com

It just so happens I needed one of these myself recently. You can download my 32x32x32 noise texture here:


I don't think it has mipmaps but I can't quite remember.

I created it by making 32 random noise texture in the Gimp, and them combining them into a single 3D DDS texture with the DirectX Texture Editor.

Hope it's what you need.
great thanks!
Just a little FYI. There is a 3D noise texture in the DirectX SDK.

Microsoft DirectX SDK\Samples\Media\misc
Huh, so there is. Well there's an hour of my life I'm never getting back :-)

The version in the SDK is 64x64x64 (whereas mine is 32x32x32) and the SDK version is actually ARGB where as mine is just greyscale. So I guess you can just use what ever is most appropriate.

Hmmm.... but why does the SDK version have an overall blue appearance? Same for their 2D noise. Doesn't seem very random to me :-S
You really did generate your noise with GIMP =o, that must have taken a lot of time! Maybe even longer than if you would like to write simple perlin noise generator and generate 3D noise.

I even saw some simplex noise on GPU (real time 3D noise). Look here (thread on DevMaster.net) http://www.devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?p=79812#post79812.

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff - http://gameprogrammerdiary.blogspot.com

Quote:Original post by Vilem Otte
You really did generate your noise with GIMP =o, that must have taken a lot of time! Maybe even longer than if you would like to write simple perlin noise generator and generate 3D noise.

It wasn't so bad... and just to be clear it is value noise rather than Perlin noise. So just completly random numbers. But for larger volumes I would probably have to write a program for it.

Quote:Original post by Vilem Otte
I even saw some simplex noise on GPU (real time 3D noise). Look here (thread on DevMaster.net) http://www.devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?p=79812#post79812.

That's pretty cool, I was looking for a GPU simplex noise example a while ago. But I believe regular Perlin noise is more efficient for a small number of dimensions (like three or so). After that Simplex noise becomes much more efficient. But I'm really no expert in this area.

[Edited by - PolyVox on November 29, 2010 4:33:31 PM]

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