[0,1]^2 mapping to arbitrary light source

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10 comments, last by TM 22 years, 7 months ago
Then find the intersection of the ray with each polygon of your light source! But a warning: It''ll be slow as anything, since it''s really just raytracing!

But I''m still not entirely sure what you''re trying to do, so I''m functioning off of a guess!
I see what he's doing. He want's to uniformly stipple (jitter) the light position sampling for a particular point using an arbitrary light volume for radiosity calcs.

How could you possibly define this? A uniform jitter of an arbitrary surface? I don't think you have enough information. You could do it if, as the AP stated, if you have an equation for the surface


What criteria can you define that says to choose Y as a sampling point over Z? The only thing's I can say would be the following points:
1) the closest point on the light to the point
2) the collection of points defining the silhouette edge of the light relative to a projection from the point under consideration to point 1.

Not to mention all of the interior points!

How do you choose which points are more important than others? I don't see how you can for an arbitrary surface - you just plain have to know somethign about it...

Besides, I thought radiosity delt with entire surfaces, not sampled points.

Edited by - Succinct on October 4, 2001 1:10:49 PM
-- Succinct(Don't listen to me)

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