passing character array to a function?!?! 1 error!! :(

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1 comment, last by robert_s 22 years, 8 months ago
hi all! I've spent almost all day trying to get rid of one bloody error! arghhhh!!!! #include cstring #include stdlib.h #include string.h ............ unsigned char *a, *b; void get(unsigned char* hdata) { strcpy( b, hdata); //error!!!!! I am trying to copy hdata into b!! } void init(void) { ..... ..... a = LoadBitmapFile("image1.bmp", &bitmap1InfoHeader); //no errors get(a); //no errors .......etc.. } the compiler gives me error: error C2664: 'strcpy' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'unsigned char *' to 'char *' Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast Error executing cl.exe. Function "LoadBitmapFile" returns unsigned char* bitmap image data stores in the variable "a" which is passed to the "get" function in which I am trying to copy the whole array "a" into array "b" of same type! Am I doing something wrong?? Please help as I am already getting a headache! Edited by - robert_s on September 3, 2001 12:49:19 PM Edited by - robert_s on September 3, 2001 12:52:49 PM
Well, you could typecast the parameters to char*, i.e:
    strcpy( (char*)b, (char*)hdata);      

However, you probably shouldn't use strcpy at all. strcpy is only for copying actual string data, in your case the data is not a string even though it's an array of characters. You should use memcpy to copy arrays of arbitrary data. In your case:
    memcpy(b, hdata, number_of_chars_in_array_pointed_to_by_hdata);     

This is necessary because strings in C/C++ are NUL-terminated character arrays, meaning that strcpy will only copy characters until it finds a character with ascii value zero (the end-of-string marker). In your case the bitmap data can contain zeros anywhere, therefore strcpy cannot be used.

Edited by - Dactylos on September 3, 2001 1:09:16 PM
Thanks Daktylos 4 help!!! You were 100% right!!

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