SlimDX C#: StateBlock contructor problem. ".ctor not supported by the language"

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0 comments, last by Mike.Popoloski 13 years, 2 months ago
I am trying to save and restore state by using the StateBlock class provided by SlimDX, but I am unable to construct the object.

StateBlockMask mask = new StateBlockMask(null) { RasterizerState = true };
sb = new StateBlock(device.Device, mask);

gives me the following compilation error (for the StateBlock line):
'.ctor' is not supported by the language

Looking at the source @,
I see that the constructor StateBlock::StateBlock( SlimDX::Direct3D10::Device^ device, StateBlockMask mask) is indeed there. I am not very familiar with managed code, and the only thing I can see with this snippet is that the mask parameter does not have a ^.

Is there another preferred way of saving state to a StateBlock that I am unaware of?

I am using C#3.5 and DirectX10
[font=Arial,]This looks like a bug in SlimDX. You might want to use the issue tracker to make sure it gets dealt with properly.[/font]
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX

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