How many people have bailed on

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92 comments, last by Gorbstein 13 years, 1 month ago

The thing that shits me the most is that active topics returns cached results. I can go to the active topics page twice in an hour, and have it show me the same results each time (even though there's been activity on the site).
This makes it seem really "dead", even when it's active.

Exactly! 90% of the reason I hang out at GDNet is the Active Topics... which still seem screwed up. Yeah, the old GDNet wasn't perfect, but at least having a decent Active Topics would be great. I knew there was something wrong with it, it was just hard to put my finger on it.
I don't even know what "Active Topics" is......
I've never used the main site. Just the forums, and I can't recall "Active Topics" there....

I don't even know what "Active Topics" is......
I've never used the main site. Just the forums, and I can't recall "Active Topics" there....
Active Topics was a forum listing that listed the most recently created and replied to topics. You could follow the board without browsing each section and trying to remember what was new. You could also exclude the useless sections (like the lounge (should be renamed 15 year old, anti-social, basement dweller's take on politics)), or sections you had little interest in.

Now all we have is a page that lists random threads over a random time period (sometimes 0) and has missing entries. You post in a thread, then you have to google it or sift through your history to find it again.

Now all we have is a page that lists random threads over a random time period (sometimes 0) and has missing entries. You post in a thread, then you have to google it or sift through your history to find it again.

Yea. Active topics is about 3 hours behind right now.

I don't use it at all though. I just go to the sections that interest me to begin with.

I'm not sure your last gripe is really that relevant though. If you post in an active topic and you don't refresh the active topics page every minute it's more likely to fall off the active topics page than it is to fall off the section page. Then you'd have to google or sift through your history anyway.

edit: to clarify. Active topics I agree should at least do what it says it is and show active topics. I just don't agree with your last example.
My last gripe is threads also never appear in the list of threads I have replied to in the 'My Content' section.

And the active topics isn't '3 hours behind'. It's just messed up period. There's stuff from ten minutes ago, and then there is stuff from 5 hours ago, then on page 3 there will be a thread from 15 minutes ago. Then stuff from 2001. Then stuff from 25 minutes ago.
Well, the thread icon has a small whatever in it, so you can see at first glance in which topics you are involved.[size="1"] (maybe it's just a special feature only for me)
What I find difficult/annoying is the fact that its hard to follow journals (track them), have them in a list of favorites etc like in the old system.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Also, I kind of get dissoriented by the whole new site.
I agree the active topics was one of the best things with the old site. Hopefully it will get fixed.
The main problem of losing threads is easily fixed by going into your settings and setting the option to "watch all topics I post in". Then every time someone posts in a thread you've posted in you get a notification next to your login name at the top. It can also be manually controlled with the watch topic button at the top of all threads. That kinda saved the site for me, as the first couple of weeks I lost every other thread I posted in.

My last gripe is threads also never appear in the list of threads I have replied to in the 'My Content' section.

And the active topics isn't '3 hours behind'. It's just messed up period. There's stuff from ten minutes ago, and then there is stuff from 5 hours ago, then on page 3 there will be a thread from 15 minutes ago. Then stuff from 2001. Then stuff from 25 minutes ago.

I'm just noticing this now as well. It's not sorting by the date of the last post overall, but is instead sorting by date for each page of threads that is being displayed. That way you are seeing threads sorted by date, per page, when really it should be sorting everything then displaying it in pages. At least I think that is what's going on. I wasn't able to pinpoint it until just a few minutes ago. Either way, it looks screwed up to me.

You can enable automatic notification of threads you have posted in on your control panel. I have this on at the moment, at the "highest setting". So I get like 30 Emails per day :lol:.

@every one

Totally agree.

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