How to compile and execute Java program using Netbenas

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4 comments, last by Danny02 12 years, 10 months ago

I have no experience in java or netbeans. I found this java program which I would like to execute and see. However I am not sure how to do it.

I am using netbeans 6.9.1 Can anyone help me compile and execute this program which I downloaded from here:
My link

It contain Java file, PDE file and a jar library.



I have no experience in java or netbeans. I found this java program which I would like to execute and see. However I am not sure how to do it.

I am using netbeans 6.9.1 Can anyone help me compile and execute this program which I downloaded from here:
My link

It contain Java file, PDE file and a jar library.


Extract the zip file to a directory.

In Netbeans, choose File->Open Project then navigate to your extracted file folder directory.

Click "Open Project Folder"
Thanks for reply.

There is no option as open project folder? Open project if I got to destination there is only library folder from the extracted zip file.

I tried making a new project and add the vitamin lib and then java, pde file but nothing works
Just create a new project "with existing sources"(should be selectable in netbeans new project dialog.
There u can select the source files(all *.java files) and after u created the netbeans project go to the project preferences(rightclick on the project icon).
There u can add the jar found in the libary folder to the project libarys.

I just saw that the project is using Processing, it's an java visualisation framework.
To run the project u have to include the processing libs also in your classpath(as aboth with the vitamin.jar)
Thanks I did that and also added vitamin and processing lib but while I try to run the program netbeans tell me no main classes found. Is this program compatible with processing-1.5.1 only ?

I donwloaded processing-1.5.1 (windows) and tried opening the program with it. It reads .pde file? Trying to run the program however I get an error in TexRrenderer.pde

as constructor TextRenderer (Font, boolean, boolean, null, boolean) is undefiend

class VTextRenderer
VTextRenderer( String fontName, int size )
_fontName = fontName;
_fontSize = size;
_textRender = new TextRenderer( new Font(fontName, Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, size), true, true, null, true );
_textRender.setColor( 1.0f, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
//_textRender.setUseVertexArrays( true );

VTextRenderer( String fontName, int size, boolean antialiased, boolean mipmap )
_fontName = fontName;
_fontSize = size;
_textRender = new TextRenderer( new Font(fontName, Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, size), antialiased, true, null, mipmap );
_textRender.setColor( 1.0f, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
//_textRender.setUseVertexArrays( true );

I haven't done anything to the program so not sure why this is happening ...
ok i took a deeper look at this, I know what processing is but nevver used it. So here it is what I think.

I think u can somehow start Processing and open the .pde files with it, then u will see some 3D graphics or so.

What do u want to do with the code u downloaded anyway? If u searched for an ray sphere interesection testing code snipped take a look at the file

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