Religion and Programmers Poll

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821 comments, last by Nurgle 22 years, 7 months ago
quote:Original post by KalvinB
SkyRat, you''re just as bad as David. It''s pathetic.

Thank you

"Hitler''s in heaven"

How ignorant do you have to be of what the Bible says to think that? Beliving in God isn''t an automatic entry into heaven. Hitler is burning in the lowest pits of hell for trying to destroy God''s chosen people. How dumb do you have to be to not understand that? Are you just saying stupid shit to piss me off or do you actually believe what you say?

uh I''m sorry. Didnt you tell us a few posts ago if one believed in Christ all bad things are forgotten?

The reason believer''s can be judged according to their works without ending up in hell is because God doesn''t remember the bad things, only the good. That whole forgiveness thing. So as far as God is concerned, we''re perfect

Now you can''t have it both ways. Either all bad things of hitler are forgotten or not. In your own words, Hitler is perfect so far God is concerned. Hitler showing up in heaven surley suprised some people big time but since Jews arent allowed there it aint too bad I guess.

"Einstein,Ghandi and company in hell."

What company? That''s some baseless fucked up emotional statement you''ve got there.

Well, with company I mean basically everyone who is considered ''good'' in human standarts but stil deserves to get tortured for all eternity. Like almost all of the nobel peace price winners. Thats good and just after all. A baseless fucked up emotinal statment? if you say so...

Ghandi is in hell yes. He devised his own road to heaven and considering he has no idea where it''s at it''s no surprise he took a wrong turn and merged on to the wide path which leads to destruction. But he''s such a "good person" I''m sure he''ll suffer only lightly for what few sins he committed.

Since when can you only suffer lightly in hell? How does this work? You get only drowned in lava every half hour or what? This rises the point if you can ''suffer lightly'' for all eternity.

Einstein I don''t know enough about what he believed to say. He certainly believed in an afterlife for the same secular reason I do. (Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Watch "Powder.")

First of all Einstein was a Jew. That was one of the reasons he left Nazi Germany. Einsteins also said he doesnt believe in a ''personal god''. If anything he admired the structure of the universe. Whatever, he is in hell for the next few billion years because he was a bad, evil man. Not worth talking about.

If you want to pretend that all scientists are going to hell according to the Bible, go ahead. All false religious teachers, yes are going to hell. All scientists who reject God are going to hell. But not ALL scientists. Some still manage to believe in God but of course you don''t think such people are actually scientists.

I have no clue how you come to think I want to say that all scientist are going to hell. Anyway, you are right of xourse. Many scientists belong to one religion or the other. no doubt there. Although you won''t find many who belive in a literally 7 day creation, but thats besides the point.

After reading your answers I have a question for you. I would really apreciate it if you or someone else could answer it.

All scientists who reject God are going to hell.

So all scientists, or anybody else, who reject god are going to hell. Thats just and good and no problem so far.
So we have three group of people. First the ones who dont know shit about the bible or christ.They dont know they have sinned. Like you, KalvinB said, these will still be saved.
Then we have the second group. People who know the bible, know that they have sinned and accept Christs offer. They also will be saved, no proplemo.
But next come the people who "reject" god. They dont accept Christs offer to erase their sins and therefor go to hell.

But here I see a problem. As many firm believers on this thread would eagerly point out, David, Sandman, Me and others here would go straight to hell, because we "reject" the offer. But thats simply not true. As far as we concerned (or me, cant speak fr others here) we would accept it. The problem here is we arnt really convinced there is an offer at all. I know Dark vader wants me to join the darkside and rule the universe with him. I dont do that because I don''t think a person called Darth Vader ever existed. Let''s say you have an email in you inbox one day from Sandra Bullock (or your favorite celebrity) saying "I love you! Come naked in my hotel room". No, how big are the chances this is really Sandra bullock? The chances are bigger some very unfriendly man wait for you in that hotel room.

All I want to say is, before one can "reject" an ofer, you have to convince him there is one. And God did a lousy job with that. We have to belive solely on a story found in a single book filled with wizards, witches, sticks turning into snakes, water turning into blood, women turning into salt, gang bangs, homosexual love, murder and dismemberment. And there are several religions to choose from! First god gives us a fine working piece of hardware in our heads we can do all sort of funny things with, like gameprogramming and then we have to turn it off and belive in the bible because He said so.

I think if you raise a child without a preference to a given religion and introduce him to all religions at once, he won''T choose christianity because the competition is too strong.

Humanity''s first sin was faith; the first virtue was doubt
Humanity's first sin was faith; the first virtue was doubt
quote:Original post by KalvinB
Some still manage to believe in God but of course you don''t think such people are actually scientists.

I think Isaac Newton was a scientist. He believed in God. He just didn''t try to scientifically gather evidence of God''s deeds and other such rubbish, like calculating the age of the earth using the dates in the bible (it was done, before people realised you could work out how old a rock was by the ratio of lead to uranium and other decay products.
Right, that''s it.

No more. Kalvin, you are an idiot. Your arguments are self-contradictory, and you are resorting to ad-hominems to cover the fact that you''ve lost.

Thread, much like anything resembling a braincell in Kalvins head, is dead. (Hey, that rhymes!)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

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