Beginner in game programming

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3 comments, last by ReyLith 12 years, 8 months ago

I want to develop a game for my final project degree. I have high programming skills (C, C++, Java, Pythom, etc). By this, I had thought to pass directly to use a graphic engine. The problem is that after looking at several pages, I can't find a general graphic engine.

My first idea was to start from 0 with OpenGL but other people told me that it is very difficult (what do you think?). I have been looking at some graphic engines as Ogre3D, Torque, XNA and so on. With XNA I can get god result soon but I want to learn how to do in low-level.

I'm a little confused and not know where to begin and motor used for this.

Couple questions needed for you to answer that:

- whats your schedule?
- 2D or 3D?

Also technically Ogre3D is not an engine, it's a renderer. XNA is not an engine either, its a framework.

Couple questions needed for you to answer that:

- whats your schedule?
- 2D or 3D?

Also technically Ogre3D is not an engine, it's a renderer. XNA is not an engine either, its a framework.


I have about a year and I would like in 3D.


[quote name='Serapth' timestamp='1316706439' post='4864712']
Couple questions needed for you to answer that:

- whats your schedule?
- 2D or 3D?

Also technically Ogre3D is not an engine, it's a renderer. XNA is not an engine either, its a framework.


I have about a year and I would like in 3D.


And you want to release a game at the end of it?

Engine. Period.

Especially with no prior graphics programming experience, you going to have a hell of a time creating your own game + engine of any quality in a year.

As to what engine, that comes down to your personal preferences and choice of languages.

C#/Javascript/Boo Unity
Java jMonkeyEngine
C++ CryEngine, Panda, UDK ( Kinda )
Python Panda

See also: irrlicht ( C++ and .NET ), Torque ( status is a little up in the air on that one ), nebula device

Ogre is a very valid option as well, as it will take the bulk of your workload away, but you will still need to add the "game" bits, like sound, IO, physics, etc... although a ton of those options exist. Also, no editor.

Picking which of the above to use is up to you and a matter of personal taste, but every single one I just listed is capable of doing what you need, in the time frame you need.

Me, I'd pick Unity. If I was for some reason working in C++, I would probably go with Ogre(or one of the game engines built around it ). That said, that is purely a matter of opinion, which is all anyone else can really give you at this point.

I had thought to develop two or three levels since I may be going a long time to learn the graphic engine.

The reason I want to develop a game is because I like to work in the sector. So I want to work with an engine that I can serve as experience. First I thought in CryEngine and UnrealEngine but my computer can't handle them.


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