Getting started with Flash

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1 comment, last by Darkbouncer4689 12 years, 7 months ago
Hey all,

Trying to get started with my first Flash game. The demo's I've found jump right into things without much explanation.

What is the industry standard IDE/IDK to use?

Also, anyone have links to a good beginners tutorial? I know nothing about Actionscript, including if I should be using AS2 or AS3.

Thanks for the guidance.
I recommend starting with Flixel:

That'll put you on the right path. You can find many tutorials related to that to get started (including links to good IDEs)

Once you've used it for a bit, it's easier to graduate to writing your own stuff from the ground up (or, if you don't need phenomenal performance, you could just stick with a useful library).

I hope that helps. Please feel free to PM me if you have any problems or questions about it.
Thanks! This does seem like a good place to start. Appreciate the help.

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