Steve Jobs

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26 comments, last by CoffeeCoder 12 years, 7 months ago
It is with deep regret that I announce this... He revolutionized personal computing and effectively created the laptop industry. Post your thoughts. And rememer this great man.

Aspiring programmer, modeler and game designer.

It is with deep regret that I announce this... He revolutionized personal computing and effectively created the laptop industry. Post your thoughts. And rememer this great man.

Apple sucks! GO Microsoft!

Wrong thread?

Seriously though, I'm no Apple fan, but this guy had a huge impact on the technology industry, and the world is likely better for it. Makes you wonder what he could have done if the had the other 20+ years that he should have had.
This is a huge loss of a truly brilliant man. RIP steve.
The bloke should be remembered for this, along with Wozniak.
Latest project: Sideways Racing on the iPad
While I really dislike apple, this thread is about Stee, not apple. Two seperate entities mate. He was a brilliant inivator.

Aspiring programmer, modeler and game designer.
And I'm very happy with the advances he brought us with persoanl computing.

Aspiring programmer, modeler and game designer.

I think it's something worth listening to from him.

As a Microsoft man, I have had nothing but respect for this man. May he rest in peace.
He effectively created the laptop industry.
Are you thinking of Alan Kay, or did you mean desktop, tablet, digital-music-distribution, or smart-phone industries?

[edit]No disrespect to the man; Apple brought desktops into the home, made digital-music mainstream, and popularised smart-phones in a way that blackberry never could... but I have no idea how you can credit them with the laptop industry. I strangely saw the same assertion made on the news tonight, too ("...the man who moved computers from our desks to our laps").

A truly excellent video to remember him
RIP. As Yahoo had in their article, Steve was the Edison of Computing. He actually made computers cool.

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