[SlimDX] Compile shader

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1 comment, last by Hannesnisula 12 years, 7 months ago
Hello I've been trying to compile shaders with SlimDX and ShaderBytecode.CompileShader() but I always get the exception that says unexpected 'something' and that something is always the first character in the shader. I've also tried with different shader profiles as "vs_1_0", "vs_3_0" etc so I guess that's not the problem. I set the entry point to the name of the function, for my testing I put it as "vertexShaderEntry" am I supposed to specify parameters or something in that string in the CompileShader() call as well?

From what I've tried I believe there's something wrong with my byte array made from the string containing my whole shader code.

byte[] byteArray = new byte[currentShader.shaderData.Length * 2];
byte[] tempBytes = null;

for(int i = 0; i < currentShader.shaderData.Length; ++i)
tempBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(currentShader.shaderData.ToCharArray());
byteArray[i * 2] = tempBytes[0];
byteArray[i * 2 + 1] = tempBytes[1];

This is the code where I take the shaderData string, consisting of the full shader code, and turn it into a byte array. The string is taken from a multiline textbox control.

I can't seem to find any errors so I'd appreciate if anyone else finds any.
To get byte array from string just use Encoding class:
byte[] sourceBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceString);

And afaik ShaderBytecode.CompileShader can accept string as shader source - there is no need to convert it to byte array:

To get byte array from string just use Encoding class:
byte[] sourceBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceString);

And afaik ShaderBytecode.CompileShader can accept string as shader source - there is no need to convert it to byte array:

Oh man, so embarrassing to have missed that one. Thanks a ton, it works like a charm now!

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