Indoor rendering

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44 comments, last by bwhiting 12 years, 5 months ago
Krypt0n -

I think we've went the wrong way - i did not invent anything, i just said how textures and scene rendering is handled in my engine -:)
I wouldn't even try to call it optimization - it's just an idea of handling textures switching in this production.

All i was saying is how i achieved to render the whole sector with one call.

It works as i planned and i just wanted to tell you guys how did i do that - as promised.

Ahh, let's forget about it, now we know how textures selection works in this engine and it fits the production requirements 100%.

I hope we're clear now :rolleyes:
Ok, i have the collision up and running by utilizing Sphere/BoundingBox/Ray -> Plane/Polygon testings.
Have made a multi pass light rendering, with standard - accumulate the results in the frame buffer(additive blending) approach.




I support OMNI lights as for today - shadows are rendered to Depth Cube Map texture in shadow pass (512x512) ( 6 renders per omni light with shadow flag on ).

Then i go with pre-pass where i render to depth buffer only

and i go with normal rendering with additive blending.

Works nice, next thing is to add Directional Light (spot) and smooth out the shadow maps a bit.Here is the video showing it in action.

looks good! you should wang up a video.

looks good! you should wang up a video.

Hey, thanks - the vid is up.

Nice watching the progression, I wish more people included communities in their development.

Always interesting to see how people approach things with updates and visible results!

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