Land of Strife Sandbox

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16 comments, last by ??????????? 12 years, 3 months ago

Land of Strife sanbox is now online!

06.02.2012 : Fireball DoT, New Movement, New Jumping, Fixed Climbing Stairs
31.01.2012 : onHit spell animations, Tab target swap, Shadow optimizations, Performance boost
18.01.2012 : New Level! Added basic NPCs ( Dummies ).
09.01.2012 : Added Health, Energy ( placeholder ), Death and Revival
05.01.2012 : Minor GUI updates, new GUI system almost complete, Line of Sight checks added ( server-side )
20.12.2011 : Massive improvements of the code. Added cooldowns and Area of Effect Spell.
07.12.2011 : Improved Camera, Clearer Floating Combat Text, Character Portrait isn't affected by lighting anymore, Removed Targeting Circle when targeting yourself ( self casting spells is still possible for testing purposes )
05.12.2011 : Made the Spellbar a bit more pleasing. New Instant cast spell. Fireball animation.
05.12.2011 : Added Spellcasting.

Try it at !

Land of Strife is an ORPG that concentrates on short PvP or PvE encounters directly in the browser.

There are a hell lot of Browser-Based Online RPGs. What makes this one different?

Sure out there are hundreds of browser RPGs, but they lack a certain thing - action!

It's dull and empty that when you click the "Fight" button in them, the most action you get is to see who won the fight and couple of lines of flavor text that tries to spice things up.
We're taking all that in the past - you will keep the ORPG goodies like chat, online shops, auction houses etc. BUT you're not participating in that kind of short unsatisfying and dull combat EVER again! Here we will be making a fast-pased hotkey combat - the "You just defeated someone" message has become a reward for your Skill and Effort, not for you mouse clicks!

And of course the most annoying aspect of them ORPGs is that every second click that you make, a giant popup appears "Hey! You're out of X, buy some with cash", while X goes for any resource in the game. That atop of annoying stops players that don't want to pay for "Energy" every 5 minutes, from playing more than 15 minutes.
On the contrary Land of Strife is and always will be Free to Play.

The game will feature:

  • Realtime fast-paced Combat
  • PvP encounters
  • PvE encounters
  • Different maps
  • Different kinds of maps ( including DotA like map )
  • Campaign - Single and Multiplayer
  • Different Classes
  • Different Races
  • Chat
  • Auction House
  • And a lot more...

Land of Strife is being run on a fully authoritative Server. The Server is based on the Ace technology. It's using TCP and SSL/TSL for communication with the clients.

Don't forget to check the Sandbox ( ), for daily updates and new stuff!


Updated chat, movement and nameplates!
New Update!
Added the Spellcasting system.
For testing purposes you can target yourself.

We're clearing up the bugs and adding some finishing touches to the casting and will release a more complete version by the end of the week.

Don't forget to use CTRL+F5 to clear your cache!
New Update!
Added line of sight ( server side ), minor GUI improvements, new GUI system almost done
Added Health and Energy ( placeholder).

Players can actually Die :D
Players can resurrect after a set amount of time.

Current bugs with death/resurrection :
-you can cast spells at dead people
-people that died before the login do not appear dead after logging in

Wow very well done =)

I think the game is good overall and behaves pretty much as you would like it to, I'd like to give some feedback on some "issues" I found.

When you are standing still (not moving foward or backwards) and turn with a or d key the camera doesnt follow, it only follows first you start moving. (this might be as intended)

I think the physics and animation when jumping needs some work.
The animation is the same as the run animation which looks rather bad when jumping (even though it looks good when running ^_^ )
The physics when jumping feals like you are going for real life-like physics, but i dont think it works very well. It gives you a "meh" fealing when trying to jump and it makes me wonder why even have a jump becaus there is no thing in the game that i have discovered that is actually low enough to jump on that you cannot simply walk up on?

And that brings me to another thing - the characters size in relation to his surroundings.
The guy is so small lol :P the fence in the town is as high as him and when standing in a doorway he is like half it's sice.. Am I playing as a dwarf? =)

So the combination of the jump being super short and the character also being supershort renders the whole jump useless (for the msot part).

Also when running downhill in a steep enough angle you cannot jump at all (i guess it counts as already fallign or something)

So that's what I noticed when playing for 5 minutes.
Again I really liek the game as a whole but it's always easier to point out "flaws".

BR / AS.

When you are standing still (not moving foward or backwards) and turn with a or d key the camera doesnt follow, it only follows first you start moving. (this might be as intended)
This is okay, it's intended, it is going to be optional once I finish the options GUI.

I think the physics and animation when jumping needs some work.[/quote]
There is no jumping animation just yet, new set of character animations are on the way.

Small level, not properly sized, not a real benefit from jumping[/quote]
The level is a placeholder, by the end of the month the new one should be finished.
It will be properly sized, with occlusion culling and by all means smaller web player size.

Also when running downhill in a steep enough angle you cannot jump at all (i guess it counts as already fallign or something)[/quote]
Still haven't got to that, jumping and grounded checks need a bit of work ( both on server and local ). I will try to fix it by the end of next week.

Wow very well done =)[/quote]

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