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123 comments, last by Gaiiden 12 years, 3 months ago
well if you've never visited a thread before wouldn't you want to start at the beginning anyway? And if you've already participated in a thread then you would either know already that it has multiple pages or you would jump to the newest post and not care about pages when revisiting anyway

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Clicking on the the thread title doesn't jump to the newest post. It seems to always opens the first page even if the newest post is on the second page. And yes, I would very much like to just jump to the first unread post and not care about about pages when revisiting. Unfortunately, that's not what clicking on the thread title does.
I'll admit the first-unread post jump isn't intuitive but it's there.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Which would help more if that column also allowed you to open read threads. As it is, to open read threads you need to click the thread title or the page number, which means my mouse pointer is going all over the screen as I browse the forum. Again, this would be less of a problem if the page numbers were next to the thread title, or if the page numbers showed up for a single page thread or something a little more consistent.
This is all stuff you should really be taking directly to Invision, not us. I'm not trying to foist off responsibility but any changes we make to improve UI stuff like this we will have to maintain through Invision's own versioning of the software and there's every chance we get this working tomorrow and then in 3 months Invision releases an IP.Board update that completely breaks it. This is unfortunately the reality of how the site is developed now that we no longer are working off our own custom codebase

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

On several occasions I get a warning bar from IE (8), on XP, that the browser changed the site to disallow cross site scripting. This seems to stem from some of the ads, which are then replaced by #s.

You might want to check in that, even if it's not a valid warning, it leaves a bad aftertaste. This did not happen in the old GameDev version.

Just happened, seems to appear with

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>

This is all stuff you should really be taking directly to Invision, not us.

Yeah, I'm not really interested in keeping track of what aspects of the forum are due to gamedev's code and what are part of Invision's code. If I play Fallout: New Vegas and the program crashes due to problems in Gamebryo's engine, I still file the report with the developer of the game and not the developer of the engine. I don't care that it's not Obsidian's code that's crashing. This is still gamedev's site, so complaints get filed in your direction. What you do with it is your decision, but telling me to complain directly to Invision is foisting off responsibility.
If you want us to take this issue to Invision we'll need to know this is something that more people would like to see than just you. I guess I should say that if you want to bypass convincing us that it's a worthwhile change you can instead approach Invision directly with the idea for them to consider. If you rally enough support over there and they make a change towards what you would like to see in a later update then when we update it'll be available here.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Take a breath guys - We can always look at how to improve the interface on our side since we definitely don't want things to be unintuitive.
Look, I don't think this is a big deal. Inconvenient, but a not a big deal. However, you guys asked for feedback, and I'm giving it to you. If you don't want to listen to me explaining why new aspects of the forum are suboptimal, then maybe you should take down that line at the top of the forum pages saying to leave comments in this forum. If you ask for it, don't complain about getting it.

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