Not sure how to get into C++

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9 comments, last by madman420 12 years, 4 months ago
I am wanting to start learning C++ but i am not sure what to download or what all i need to get into this. I understand there is something called Visual C++ but at the same time i'm not sure what that is exactly. I really would just like to know what i need to get to start learning and programming in C++.
Visual C++ is Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) for C++. It's basically a collection of tools that let you edit, compile and debug C++ code, all built into a single program.

If you download the Express Edition from Microsoft's website, you can get going pretty quickly. Just create a new console project and work on examples from a book or tutorial website.

Is C++ your first language, or do you have previous programming experience?
Are you sure you want to start learning C++?

It is very recommended that you start with C#. Either way yu can get MS visual studio for both languages.
Start here. If you are willing to consider other languages, read the entire thing, otherwise just read the C++ section. I would suggest you consider other languages, but as you haven't said *why* you want to start with C++, I will assume you have a good reason.
I recommend you start learning the C programming language first since C++ is an "extension" of C that allows you to program with classes/objects. Basically, if you learn basic/intermediate C it will be a lot easier to learn C++.

When you do start learning C++ I recommend you get the book: Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days. Even though this book is highly criticized due to its title, it has a wealth of information from cover to cover (literally, the inside portions of the covers have information on programming), it's easy to understand and the best part is that the book won't spontaneously explode after 21 days which means you don't have to follow the book's schedule (I personally recommend you not to follow the books schedule).

Aluthreney -- the King of sheep.

C++ is no more an "extension" of C. It was... 20 yeas ago or when it comes out for the first time.

Just because with C++ you can write some procedural code that a C compiler can read (with some few restrictions) it doesn't mean C++ is a superset of C language.

Today they are two different languages.

Personally I think that ISO should break C compatibility but this is just mine thought and another story...
I personally would forget about Visual C++. You will get a bad habit if you get used to it.
If c++ is going to be your first program language - you do realise that it's gonna be hard and long rode ?

I would personally start from the HyperText Markup Language - Html. Basically because you will get used to read the ' codes ', which you will definently need in C++.
And then from Html to javascripting or something. As soon as you will get used to them, you can start learning c++. Internet is full of tutorials, just google them.

I personally started learning c++ from E-books. Got the basic and now im programming my own program. And if your stuck at some point in c++ , you can always ask help from peaople. There are lot's of c++ forums out there. Just take a look at them and dont be afraid to ask help.


-- Fr3ak --
I have good experience in Python and Pygame so no this isnt my first programming language. I am wanting to step up to the next level and C++ is what ive thought to be the next level
If you've already gotten familiar with "thinking like a programmer" in Python, and are resolute in your decision to learn C++, I've seen many people recommend "Accelerated C++" as a great book.

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you can also download Bruce Eckels free electronic version of thinking in c++ 2nd edition, vol1 and vol2:

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