SlimDX and Win8 Metro Apps

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3 comments, last by Cygon 11 years, 11 months ago

I came across this thread which is still accurate about XNA and metro apps. I havent tested out Win 8 but I was wondering if SlimDX could be used to make metro apps, I cant see why not since directX will be available but you never know.

In other words would I be able to make metro style games on Win8 using SlimDX?

While im here for the sake of things (been trying to get an answer for this for a while now), SlimDX and DirectX, I understand that SlimDX is a wrapper for DirectX however just to put my mind at ease, will making a game using SlimDX be just as verbose (in terms of the amount of code) as C++/DirectX. For example, say I wanted to make minesweeper on C++/DX and SlimDX would I likely be writing the same amount in both solutions? I understand they are different, however at the moment my only source of learning SlimDX is ironically learning DX and in a way it feels like im actually just making a C++/DX game but in C#, whats more confusing is SlimDX is often compared to XNA in terms of ease which isnt really an accurate statement at all.

Thanks in advance
SlimDX doesn't have Metro support right now. It will probably gain Metro support using DX11 some time this year. If you write SlimDX code in DX11 now, it should be no problem to port to Metro once we support it. SlimDX tends to be a little less verbose than C++, but that's mostly because of some nice shortcuts in current C# rather than actually writing much less code.
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Thanks for the quick response :)
Are there any new informations about a new release to build metro apps? or is there a repository to build slimdx again netCore already?
By the way, how do you plan to support Metro? Is C++/CLI similar enough to C++/CX to allow code to be ported?
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