How do you get into MFC?

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4 comments, last by Terran Marine 22 years, 7 months ago
Everyone''s talking about "win32 made easy" MFC, but I can''t find a single tutorial on how to get started. How does someone start using MFC?
The MFC classes are a built-in part of Microsoft Visual C++, so you''ll have to get VC++ in order to use MFC.

If you don''t want to use VC++, you''ll just have to tackle the win32 api directly or perhaps you can find similar libraries that wrap around win32 for your compiler.
I started with the Scribble tutorial that comes with MSVC.
Make some basic Dialogs for the beginning, the get to the more advanced stuff with Documents and Views, it''s kinda fascinating and it''s absolutley great for making Leveleditors :o)


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and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this questions a few times over in the states
Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this question a few times over in the states ;) )
I bought a "Teach Yourself Visual C++ in 21 days" book, came with a beginners compiler and had detailed click-by-click instructions on how to do basic things.

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