[C++/GameProgramming] - Need help to get started?

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34 comments, last by holdon 12 years, 1 month ago

This is most definitely something I've been looking for! In fact, I had already posted a message "asking" for someone like you, but it was moved: http://www.gamedev.n...ojects-mentors/

I made the following in small text in that link though, but since you're asking to tell about ourselves:
[quote name='Nohbdy Ahtall' timestamp='1333090016' post='4926583']

Let's see, well, I decided I wanted to create video games long ago (I'm 20 now, long ago would probably be err, whenever I started playing games? hmm) because of two things: video games themselves, and dreams - the "zZzZz" kind. And actually, unlike most I very soon realized I didn't want to be a designer or artist, but I wanted to craft all the intricate details and physics of the entire game world, and was far more interested in possibilities and game-play, with not much desire for aesthetics and visuals(except where highly-polygonal models would lead to more realistic physics and collision and etc.. right?) . These days, I've expanded on that, and I can't help but find that programming would be meaningful to.. so many aspects of life. It is most definitely ingrained into my being and future - despite the little I've directly experienced of it. Creating games will be the beginning and core of my entire career, but it is still the beginning, as I wish to grow deeper into the science, math, and engineering of it, to perhaps specialize a bit more into simulations, artificial life/intelligence, robotics, space exploration/colonization, or a combination and more... and I'm sure those specializations will of course help further my game coding as well ^.^. Eventually, to go lower and lower levels to the hardware(and even higher and more abstractly complicated?) which in fact I foresee myself supplementing my knowledge with electronics and electricity... actually it could go in so many directions; chemistry, psychology, biology, almost anything... this is also why I see programming as so important and adaptive to just about any path you choose in life. *cough* Oh anyway, well some big goals down the line may eventually involve creating an Operating System, a programming language, perhaps a whole new form of hardware/computer with an entirely new programming method! Not to say I may achieve such goals in a lifetime, but it's an example to show how dedicated I am to this hobby/career/science/art, and how far I "would" to go. It is definitely no temporary interest, indeed.
Ah, I just had to get my little(big.. eheh) outburst of programming love out there. It's for those who are truly interested, and it is a hope that someone who thinks similarly may actually come in contact with me, and hey.. that's the point of this message! Could you help me find like-minded people(maybe I seem like an enthusiast! heh... eccentric? Fanatic? I must agree! xP)?
Perhaps this font is too small, but hey.. what doesn't blind you, makes your.. eyes stronger? Or maybe a quick copy-and-paste into notepad? Ah, it's good brain exercise, and this is intended for those who care anyway! <3

C++ is my language of choice!

Wall of text, i belive i just died.
Anyhow Nohbdy Ahtall, give me a pm and we can carry this on there :)

Hi , can you help me with my text rpg? biggrin.png

I can, but not in the manor that i actualy are going to write any code for you. Only to give ju hints, help you out with problems and trying to
make you a better programmer!
but give me a pm and we can carry it on over there.

Hello im 13 years old and I really feel that I need a teacher. At the moment I am learning Uni-script, which is a language that is used in a game engine called Unity 3d. I also studied a bit of C#, but felt I was going on to a more advanced language too fast, so I went on to Uni-script, which is a form of javascript. I honestly cant say im very expierenced, but I am really into programming from game development to software development. I cant tell you how long ive been waiting for someone like you to help teach me because there isnt really much out there that teaches kids how to program. I want to finish getting a good grasp on Uni-script and then C#, but im really hoping to be taught by an actual person and learn C++ instead of learning off of free tutorials on the internet.

I also noticed that you had some misspellings in your description and you are from Swedan, so I was wondering if English wasnt your first language. Sorry if this is a bit of a rude question to ask, but being a student whose first language is Engish and having a teacher whose first language is Russian or German can pose as a huge complication. For example I was on the internet searching for tutorials on Uni-script, but the person teaching the Uni-script language had a very distinct Russian accent, therefore I had a very hard time trying to understand what he was saying.

My email is [email="calebdunnc@aol.com"]calebdunnc@aol.com[/email] if you have any more info to give me please contact me by my email. I check it every day, so it would be best to inform me by email. Also if you happen to know C# or possibly Uni-script that would be great to know too. I would also like to know how expierenced you are. Have I possibly seen any of your work in any videogames or programs that ive used. It would be very nice to know more of your background and how expierenced...could I possibly see some stuff you worked on. You seem like a very expierenced person to me especially since your insisting on teaching people just for the expierence and not for money, but its always nice to see some of the work of the person who wants to teach.

waaaaaall of text.
But yes, i am more than happy to help you with your programming.
But you got to understand that i was as you, 13 when i started programming and the internet was the main source of learning! This is the best way in my oppinion to actualy learn programming! Never the less, im still happy to help you.
And about the misspellings, for working at a company and talking english and writing it all day long, no one has ever complaind about misscommunications.'

Drop a pm and we can carry it on over there!

Hi Tordin this is a really great thing you're doing! I'm also hoping that you will have time on/off to chat with me, if possible how can I contact you casually (chatting) ? Please feel free to PM me.

I'm new to programming, and have been watching youtube videos by thenewboston especially in c++ , my ultimate goal is to create a top down, 2d, sprite based, jrpg style single player game for starters, and I dare to say the M-word, no... maybe incorporate networking into the game tongue.png . I realize that I have a LOT of learning to do and I truly would like to make the games I think that people miss!

Cool, just give me a pm and we can fix the chatting over there.

TO ALL : i prefer using skyper as a main chattclient. (if you dont have it, no chatting!)
And thanks for all the responses!
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"
Hi! I'm 20 years old, will be graduating BS Computer Science this April 28. I'm an intermediate programmer in C, C++, C#, and Java. I have a little experience in creating games. I need help in choosing which Engine/API should I be learning and help in learning them especially in API's like Direct3D.
Hi. I'm 15 and very interested in building games. I've been doing basic programming since I was 9, although back then it was just html and css. Now that I've moved on to fit closer to my interests I would like someone who could help me at times I get stuck, I'm going to be mainly working with C++, Lua, java, and python.. But the real big one is C++ because after the research I did that seems like the one most fitted for my needs. But I'm really just look for someone who can really help me when I'm stuck. I've got quite a bit of ambitions and really want to move forward.

Hi. I'm 15 and very interested in building games. I've been doing basic programming since I was 9, although back then it was just html and css. Now that I've moved on to fit closer to my interests I would like someone who could help me at times I get stuck, I'm going to be mainly working with C++, Lua, java, and python.. But the real big one is C++ because after the research I did that seems like the one most fitted for my needs. But I'm really just look for someone who can really help me when I'm stuck. I've got quite a bit of ambitions and really want to move forward.

OT: At your age I learnt Lua, I attempted C++ and just found it too difficult. I learnt Java and read a bit about pointers in C++ and it finally made sense, and then I was able to learn C++ with no issue. Just a tip ;)

[quote name='braskez' timestamp='1333673668' post='4928639']
Hi. I'm 15 and very interested in building games. I've been doing basic programming since I was 9, although back then it was just html and css. Now that I've moved on to fit closer to my interests I would like someone who could help me at times I get stuck, I'm going to be mainly working with C++, Lua, java, and python.. But the real big one is C++ because after the research I did that seems like the one most fitted for my needs. But I'm really just look for someone who can really help me when I'm stuck. I've got quite a bit of ambitions and really want to move forward.

OT: At your age I learnt Lua, I attempted C++ and just found it too difficult. I learnt Java and read a bit about pointers in C++ and it finally made sense, and then I was able to learn C++ with no issue. Just a tip ;)

Well, I do know flash, and so far ActionScript 3.0 seems pretty similar to C++ as far as principle.. I am interested in learning Java too for various reasons though..

[quote name='braskez' timestamp='1333673668' post='4928639']
Hi. I'm 15 and very interested in building games. I've been doing basic programming since I was 9, although back then it was just html and css. Now that I've moved on to fit closer to my interests I would like someone who could help me at times I get stuck, I'm going to be mainly working with C++, Lua, java, and python.. But the real big one is C++ because after the research I did that seems like the one most fitted for my needs. But I'm really just look for someone who can really help me when I'm stuck. I've got quite a bit of ambitions and really want to move forward.

OT: At your age I learnt Lua, I attempted C++ and just found it too difficult. I learnt Java and read a bit about pointers in C++ and it finally made sense, and then I was able to learn C++ with no issue. Just a tip ;)
Thats a good tip, i heard plenty of friends telling me a smiliar story!
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"

Hi! I'm 20 years old, will be graduating BS Computer Science this April 28. I'm an intermediate programmer in C, C++, C#, and Java. I have a little experience in creating games. I need help in choosing which Engine/API should I be learning and help in learning them especially in API's like Direct3D.

Well, give me a PM and lets work it out from there :)
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"

Hi. I'm 15 and very interested in building games. I've been doing basic programming since I was 9, although back then it was just html and css. Now that I've moved on to fit closer to my interests I would like someone who could help me at times I get stuck, I'm going to be mainly working with C++, Lua, java, and python.. But the real big one is C++ because after the research I did that seems like the one most fitted for my needs. But I'm really just look for someone who can really help me when I'm stuck. I've got quite a bit of ambitions and really want to move forward.

Hand me a pm an we can get started there :)
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"
Hello! First of all im writing this from my phone, so im sorry for any big grammar mistakes.

My name is Simon and im 17 years old (18 in august). Im from Sweden aswell, but since we're on the forums I prefer typing english. To not upset anyone :) anyhow, I just started game programming in C++, but ive been programming in java for a while. Now im looking into creating a voxel rendering engine. For learnig purposes. Using raytracing probably or i might try converting them to polygons and render them that way aswell. My point is, that I could use someone to ask if Im not a 100% sure what to read up on.

Btw talking/chatting in skype is not a problem at all. Happy holidays! :)

Hello! First of all im writing this from my phone, so im sorry for any big grammar mistakes.

My name is Simon and im 17 years old (18 in august). Im from Sweden aswell, but since we're on the forums I prefer typing english. To not upset anyone smile.png anyhow, I just started game programming in C++, but ive been programming in java for a while. Now im looking into creating a voxel rendering engine. For learnig purposes. Using raytracing probably or i might try converting them to polygons and render them that way aswell. My point is, that I could use someone to ask if Im not a 100% sure what to read up on.

Btw talking/chatting in skype is not a problem at all. Happy holidays! smile.png

Nice to see some swedish face around ;)
Im more than happy to help you. Just give me a poke on skype (nicklas.johansson_) and we can carry it on all over there :)
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"

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