Beginner.. Where to start? Could use advice..

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1 comment, last by destructivArts 12 years, 1 month ago
Ok, so a little about me. I've always been into games, and also into coding and web design, as well as graphic design. I went to a vocational school, and it gave me a bit of a background in the IT department. I used to be very good at coding in html, php, javascript, and I even did some java too. However, it has been a long time since I did any of those, but they aren't what I'm after..

I've always wanted to make my own mmo, something not too flashy such as WoW or SWTOR, more of a browser based game, such as runescape, or even something text based like bootleggers. Now, obviously it took them years to do this, and I don't mind devoting that kind of time to it. I have a lot of free time.

What I'm asking, is mainly what resources, along with what coding languages and all that would I need to develop a game similar to runescape? I'm talking what languages, what programs, and how could I learn to do all this in an efficient manor?

Money is something I don't have a lot of at the moment. But suggestions to paid programs still would help as I could save for them.

Honestly, I have a lot of ideas for games, but I don't have the programming knowledge as of yet. I wish to obtain this knowledge and work my way towards my own game, and hopefully by then I'll have the money for either my own servers, or to rent servers for them.

All I'm asking you here is to point me in the right direction. I have no interest in single player games at the moment, only mmorpgs. If getting to that point means single player first, thats fine, but its not my main focus.

Thank you for your time.
The first step isn't single player games... its console applications. You need to learn to program first, and this is something that will take quite a bit of time. In all honesty, you are probably *years* away from starting the most rudimentary MMO.

Now to actually answer your question, read this guide. It answers pretty much all the technical questions you might have.
You said you knew Java at one point, so I'd suggest that you go here:
It's a pretty comprehensive online text book. Go through all that, and then look at this:

It's going to take time. I've been trying to make games since I was 13, when some friends and I planned out an entire MMO similar to WoW. When the time came to "put it in the computer" (as we thought then) we realized that none of us was a programmer, nor could any of us use 3d modeling software or even animate efficiently in Flash. Don't start there. It's been a long road to where I am now: programming Space Invaders.

So start at the beginning, and work forward. It's better that way I've learned. Haha

Hope this helps,
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