Help a noob pave his path into game development?

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3 comments, last by Inukai 12 years, 2 months ago
I spend countless hours reading about game development and programming, but not actually doing any game development and programming. This is a big issue of mine. I started programming a year and a half ago, and I developed this habit of reading and getting pointlessly excited instead of doing.

I'm determined to break this habit. I think I lack specific, measurable, attainable goals, and I want to take my game development abilities seriously. To this end, I made a ripoff of a 2D platformer level in Flixel by simply changing the sprites and background color. Nothing amazing, and I learned nothing from the experience.

Members of, I would like some advice. I want to make and finish games, and I understand I will have to start as small as necessary and work my way into more complex projects. I understand that C++ is the industry standard, but that choice of language is irrelevant; besides, I have taken a liking to C# and XNA. With my ultimate goal of being able to implement my own game ideas, what are some classic game designs to implement in order to get my skills up to par? I include a list below, and I would be grateful for any advice!

  1. Pong
  2. Arkanoid
  3. Tetris
  4. 1942
  5. Mario-type platformer
  6. Pacman
  7. Roguelike
  8. Wolfenstein 3D
  9. 3D games

The idea would be for me to implement these games and post them here for feedback.
Do you really need 8 games to make a 3D game?

You could make fewer simple games, like 1-2 to teach you to use the language and make organized well designed code, then a game to teach you 2D math, then a game to teach you 3D math.


Do you really need 8 games to make a 3D game?

Yes. Especially if the focus is on doing/finishing games. The smaller steps will help the OP achieve that goal.

I would move pacman above the platformer, but otherwise the list looks very solid.
I don't get this line: "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

With my ultimate goal of being able to implement my

[/font]own[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

game ideas"

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

Why does that stop you from using C++?


Read the post again. He just said, that he likes c# / XNA more than c++

After that he said:
"With my ultimate goal of beeing able to implement my own game ideas,

what are some classic game designs to implement in order to get my skills up to par? "

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

Which has nothing to do with his language choice.[/font]

I admit, that c#/c++ statement was kinda random.

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