Reputation++ for logging in? Really?

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80 comments, last by Gaiiden 11 years, 11 months ago

I noticed something "odd". I upvoted ApochPiQ's post in the "Am I overengineering..." thread. Then, immediately, my rep points went up by +1. Is that by design?

Looks like it


Never mind... that's the one thing I hate about AJAX stuff... you can't link to it. Click the bottom "Reputation" button.
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I noticed something "odd". I upvoted ApochPiQ's post in the "Am I overengineering..." thread. Then, immediately, my rep points went up by +1. Is that by design?

Yep, you now get points when you upvote someone.. as does the person you are upvoting. This is capped per day. If you downvote someone you lose a point. This is to allow downvoting, but only at the cost of one rep point.

We will be studying this particular rep area to look for abuse patterns. We may need to completely reverse reputation spammers actions at times.
I myself like the idea of earning and losing with an up or down vote, my question is if I get lets say the cap is 5 if I get +1 for voting up then the cap would be 4 (well not really but id need four to reach it) then if i got -1 for voting down, would I need to vote up 5 more times to reach the cap or lets say just 4 as if my down vote was not made.

I myself like the idea of earning and losing with an up or down vote, my question is if I get lets say the cap is 5 if I get +1 for voting up then the cap would be 4 (well not really but id need four to reach it) then if i got -1 for voting down, would I need to vote up 5 more times to reach the cap or lets say just 4 as if my down vote was not made.

The caps are based on the number of votes that you make, not the number of points you accumulate from the votes. So an upvote counts as vote #1 for the day, a downvote counts as vote #2 for the day, and you have up to 3 more votes that you can make to earn points that day.
Hold up! There's a cap on how many people you can upvote? sleep.png

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Hold up! There's a cap on how many people you can upvote?

My understanding is that cap is on how many people you can up/down vote for credit.

i.e. your first 5 up/down votes each day will boost/lower your own rating. All up/down votes thereafter will affect the other user's reputation as per usual, but will not increase/decrease your own reputation.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

<br /> My understanding is that cap is on how many people you can up/down vote for credit.<br />

Yep, this is correct. I don't think we have a daily vote limit set on the site at the moment, but depending on how things go that may change. So far people have increased voting on posts by almost 600%.. mostly because of the design change I'd suspect.

The next blog update is going to start talking about the points you can get for different things.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see.

Another question, I take it that if you get +100 for signing up, then you (another) +200 for signing up for GD.Net+?

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Wait a minute. Wouldn't this mean that all someone has to do in order to avoid losing a point for downvoting is make sure he just upvotes 5 other posts right before?
Or for every person he downvotes he'll need to upvote another person to keep his points the same. But since this is trial run, I guess it's worth seeing how well it works.

This may sound like a weird request, but is there anyway to show "certain" points? For instance, I don't want my participation points shown. Personally, everytime I see my points go up, I'm like "oh I wonder who rated up one of my post". Then I get the sad realization that I got +1 for logging in. Plus it's nice for me and probably the person looking at my score to see and immediately know that my points (however high) are from my posts in the Technical threads, ie. I know what I'm talking about :)

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