need help with data oriented design

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22 comments, last by cool mr croc 11 years, 11 months ago
thanks, its helped alot. how about encapsulating further entity data? i assume its ok to create a little struct that contains all of that?
I tend to think of DOD in a Component/Entity manner, where the Components are just pieces of Data, and an Entity is a collection of Components, and there are systems, which act on the components. So, the Brick would have a Location Component (Position and Velocity), a Color Component, a RectDimensions, and a Strength Component (how hard it is to smash), and it would be processed via the Brick System (for how to handle collisions). The ball entity would have the same components, except a Circle Component instead of Rectangle, and it would be processed by the Ball System, and the Paddle would have all those components, except it would be processed by the Paddle System. The paddle could have extra components as well, such a bullets, if it is able to shoot bullets (like Arkanoid did).

However, all these components are stored in like vectors, and are handled at the same time, but run through the different systems, based on which entity owns that component.

kind of like this (pseudo code):

class System {
virutal void HandleLocation(Location &locationComponent) = 0;
// fill with rest

class BrickSystem : public System
void HandleLocation(Location &locationComponent);

typedef uint32_t TEntity;

class Component {
TEntity Owner; // who owns us, unique value
System *ComponentSystem; // System to handle this component

class Location : public Component {
Vector2 Location;
Vector2 Velocity;

std::vector<Location> LocationList;
BrickSystem *BrickSys;

void main()

// Initialize the systems
BrickSys = new BrickSystem();

// Load the bricks
for (each brick to load) {
TEntity BrickEntity = GetUniqueId();
Location BrickLocation(BrickEntity, CurrentBrickX, CurrentBrickY, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Load other components into brick


void Update()
for (each it = item in LocationList) {
// Will call brick System handleLocaiton for brick's, BallSystem Handle Location for ball, etc

Or something like that.

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thanks mate thats looks very interesting. ill have a look once i finish this program, ill probably have a que or two.
one more question and ill be donw, consider the following code

class application
vector<pos> ballPos>
vector<pos> batPos>
vector<pos> brickPos>

vector<bool> ballCol>
vector<bool> batCol>
vector<bool> brickCol>

vector<vel> ballVel>
vector<vel> batVel>
vector<vel> brickVel>

int somethingOnlybatHas1;
int somethingOnlybatHas2;
int somethingOnlybatHas2;

int somethingOnlyBricksSystemHas;
void update()
//loop through collections and call check collisions and resize
void checkCollision(//pos vec1, pos vec2, col result1, col result2)
//check collision, store result
void resize()

is there a better way to encapsulate this so the variables unique to each system is held within its class? i was planning on having system classes each containing their containers. and perhaps with their own update function. does that sound good?

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