Peer finding best peer to initiate multiplayer

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10 comments, last by hplus0603 11 years, 11 months ago
Thanks hplus, I appreciate your advice rather than me wasting time trying to get it to work. I will simply not include pinging servers on windows or linux, since I plan on using GameCenter for the iOS/Mac versions it already includes this functionality, and the majority of users will be on these platforms. If I did want to put ping in just for windows, which looks pretty damn simple using your souce code, do you have a guestimate of how many players would return a valid ping response? If it even worth including for windows only?
Sending a UDP message to a random peer on the Internet without any form of NAT punch-through or port forwarding is unlikely to be very successful in most parts of the world. There are still some places where an ISP will hand out cable modems that give your PC a publicly visible IP address, instead of using NAT, but those are becoming increasingly less common.

If you can have the "server" users set up port forwarding, or can use a NAT introduction server/service, then you can get 99% success.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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