Does any interest in the Go language still exist?

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47 comments, last by _the_phantom_ 11 years, 9 months ago
It seems like there was some hype for it a few years ago that has sort of diminished. I've just started examining it and I'm pretty interested in it now. I searched the forums but I only found a few threads that made any reference to it, and they were all 2 years old. I'm interested to know if there is anyone here using Go and whether or not there is realistically any chances of it being practical for game development.
rust is better :)

but there is no need for both, imo.
c++11 has all the features i need.
Go 1 was released in march, the first stable version. So it's more practical now than it's ever been.

I haven't played with Go myself, but I think it's lack of OOP and generics makes it inferior to alternatives. OTOH, I do think their channels are a superior form of thread communication in many cases.

... I think it's lack of OOP


Go has support for objects, methods, encapsulation, polymorphism, and a form of inheritance through embedding. How then does it not support OOP? Classes + rigid type inheritance hierarchies are just one implementation of OOP, and apparently one that Google thinks is inefficient.

Go's concept of interfaces is the main reason, next to it's concurrency model, that makes me interested in it in the first place.

Go 1 was released in march, the first stable version. So it's more practical now than it's ever been.

I haven't played with Go myself, but I think it's lack of OOP and generics makes it inferior to alternatives. OTOH, I do think their channels are a superior form of thread communication in many cases.

Rust has classes and templates.

but it doesnt matter. world really does not need any more system programming languages.
they all does the same. one can argue that C++ has nothing over C.

but it doesnt matter. world really does not need any more system programming languages.
they all does the same. one can argue that C++ has nothing over C.

Yes, I suppose you could argue that, but I wouldn't. People wouldn't be developing new systems languages if they didn't think there were deficiencies in the current set of commonly used programming languages. Just for example, horrendously slow compile times. But the list is a mile long so I'll leave it at that.
Just went through the go tour and i have to say the language is really attractive. Class inheritance is overrated anyway, and the focus on interfaces leads to better software design in my opinion.

I also like the concurrency syntax.

edit: Concerning game programming, I guess it is not the best idea to use a language (almost) no one else uses. You would have to write (almost) everything from scratch.
I have more than a passing interest in it, but I am not really going to play with it until there is a decent set of tools and a working debugger. Goclipse is a work in progress, and when it's most stable I'll probably toy around with Go.
I love it and hope it will mature enough to be my language of choice in the future. For now I am writing the race server of my new game in Go. I love its simplicity, I don't like "eat all you can" languages that try to include any feature from any language into a unmanageable mess that requires company "guidelines" (which turn out being a long list of "dont do this and don't do that") to be used in a team. I think Rob Pike can put this into words much better than I can hope to do:

I think Go's main feature IS simplicity, here it is the language, here it is the code format, learn it in 2 weeks, and now let's get work done.. so I wouldn't like to see things like Generics, Overloading and so on come into the language, even if they are things I constantly use in C++.

I hope they stick with it, don't go after any of the Linq / Dynamic / Generic things but instead work on the compiler to make it FAST (runtime).

Stefano Casillo
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What do you mean 'wont go after Linq'? Linq is just functions on data sets.

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