Creating a boardgame with html5

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14 comments, last by mystd 11 years, 9 months ago
Good to know thanks.

I'm thinking about making the game 3D right off the bat, but my geometry is pretty rusty and wasn't the best anyway. I imagine it like just adding a z axis to everything, does it matter a lot coding wise, if I use cocos3D or glge? 3D models and animation or drawing 2D animation isn't the problem I know how to use blender, photoshop and co., my coding is the problematic part. Im also thinking of using a 3D engine but making the game 2D so in case I want to make it 3D I'll have it easier. Im still not sure if I should use cocos2D - 3D there are not much demos for it and the ones I used had performance issues.
I've decided to go 2D better some nice 2D graphics than low poly 3D.

Does cocos2D work well with an editor like tiled? (

I'm currently making a list pros and cons of all the engines I've found, Ill decide that way which one Ill use:

Cocos2D Pros: Free, Large community with lots of tutorials, has been around for a while
Impact: Pros: Editor, bunch of tutorials Cons: 100$
Construct 2: Pros: Almost no coding needed, lots of tutorials, price is 0 to way too much Cons: My coding will probably stay lousy
Isogenic engine: Pros: Intergrated multiplayer, built in mmo featue, Cons: very expensive, community is small
melon.js: Pros: free, uses tiled as map editor

I'm really having a hard time to choosing one...

Btw. The performance issue was mozillas fault not cocos.
I've decided to go with the impact engine since the community seems to be the biggest.
I'm thinking of using dynamic lights instead of drawing light effects into the sprite sheets. Is that possible without webGL and would that be overkill for smartphones?
Without webGL it will be VERY hard and would probably make it un-runnable on smartphones, it would probably lag a fair bit. With WebGL all sorts of stuff becomes possible but very few browser support it (and no smartphone browsers that I know of)

Firefox, chrome, safari (on OSX snow leopard and above only, off by default) and opera are the only desktop browsers supporting it.

Nokia N900, Blackberry PlayBook, Unstable builds of Firefox for Mobile and the Android version of Opera Mobile also support it.
I see at least its possible. It's gonna take while until the game is in a state that it can be played anyways, until then hopefully browsers will support it better. Ill make the graphic contend with dynamic light in mind then. Thx

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