first time game design, which language would you recommend?

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12 comments, last by !Null 11 years, 10 months ago
Personally I dislike Java, used it for a short period of time when working on some Android games and I didn't have that much fun. Of course this may also have something to do with the incredibly slow and bloated Eclipse IDE.

Keep in mind that Unity can deploy to WIndows, Mac, Linux (soon), Unity web player, Android, iOS and Flash. So if you're thinking about developing for mobile with C#, you can.

Game Maker and then head over to a language when i understand the basic ideas more?

To understand game design you should start out with something like this, or you should completely finish a game that's going to be way lower on the skill set. Like a text adventure or tic-tac-toe. Fully understand what it is you need to make a good game and then begin designing the game that you want. Not before.

what lanuage would you recommend for a beginner for this type of game?

If you want to jump straight into it then I recommend Python. I use it all the time to make simple games when I'm bored, the syntax is easily read from a noobie standpoint. After learning Python you can get Python's lib called Pygame which will handle sounds, graphics, and keystrokes/mouse clicks. Only more to Pygame once you fully understand Python though, seriously I didn't listen and I was so fucking confused bro. You need to fully understand why you are programming what you're programming.

And a last note on making a game. If you are the only one making a game then you need to learn how to design, program, and do artwork for a game. Making a game is not a half ass/easy thing that a lot of people think it is. It is filled with a lot of boring and hard hours of work, but at the end of all that pain, sweat, and tears you get a good end-result.

Your Post = Mind Fucking Blown

As for starter I'd recommend C# and get into UNITY as a headstart in understanding game mechanic.
As you see you have lots of good responses to choose from.

If you feel you are comfortable with Java and really want to use it to not only develop your game making skills but also your Java programming skills

I would recommend Slick2D. you can make some nice fun 2d games with it. Your first game doesn't have to be amazing. in fact I would reccoment following 4 or 5 tutorials and break them down until you understand totally what's going on.

The slick site is:

Tutorials are:

and getting it set up in Netbeans is:

this is how i started out in making games, I had a little knowledge and Java and didn't want to start trying to make games with a language I didn't know.
Now of course I use c++ which you might move on to also once you have put the time and effort into learning the concepts and knowing development cycle.
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