XNA Standalone executable or installer?

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2 comments, last by laztrezort 11 years, 9 months ago
I made my first game, pong, and now I want to share it with someone.

How do I go about doing this if they do not have the XNA framework installed?

If they need it installed can I somehow package the installer with the setup and run it before it installs the game if necessary?
Have you read this post yet? You just need to follow the instructions for your appropriate version. If you haven't already upgraded, you should be using the XNA 4.0 framework by now. Note that step 3. "Games that create a GamerServicesComponent/use live networking REQUIRE a full XNA Game Studio 4.0 install" is not needed- it's doubtful you'll be using the Live Networking features in your games for a long while.

New game in progress: Project SeedWorld

My development blog: Electronic Meteor

So in other words you need the XNA 4.0 framework to run a program created in XNA?

So in other words you need the XNA 4.0 framework to run a program created in XNA?

Yes. Here is a rundown of methods to distribute an XNA application: http://rbwhitaker.wi...-game-tutorials

Using ClickOnce (the fourth tutorial) is probably the easiest way to distribute an XNA game.

Edit: to clarify, using ClickOnce will ensure that the end user has the necessary XNA libs and .NET libs, and downloading them if they do not.

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