any good 2d game libary for android outhere looking like slick?

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5 comments, last by 6677 11 years, 8 months ago

is there any good 2d game libary for android outhere looking like slick??

i know slick is in progress with becoming a android lib but not stable yeat :(
Yes, there are many engines out there.

Keep in mind that "good" is relative. An engine that is great for one genre may be horrible for another genre.

What kind of game are you trying to make?
Oh, as for specific Android-only libraries, libGDX and AndEngine both are well-respected.
do you know if andEngine ore libgdx is looking anything like slick when working with graphics ??

just a quick question not sure what the different is on a engine and a library ??
I have only been using slick library with has been great for my programming skills :)
atm I'm enjoying making board games so if you know anything that good for that it wut be great :)
a library is a set of code or module imported into your program. So somepoint you have a statement in your code saying something like "using slick.somethingorother" or "import slick" or something like that. Libraries can contain anything, routines for graphics, maths, sounds, databases, compression algorithms whatever. Even printing to the command line will use some sort of library.

More specifically a grapihcs library is just that, a library providing routines to draw graphics. These might be either a GUI (think a traditional window on your computer with some text boxes and buttons etc) or raw 2d or 3d graphics useful in games. One for GUI's might be referred to as a GUI library instead, swing and AWT are 2 java ones I think (I don't know java).

An engine will be a collection of libraries (or 1 library with features of many libraries instead), these will usually include 2d and 3d graphics, sound, networking and input libraries etc.

Games will only look like the content you provide. Basically a game will look the same no matter whether its made in andEngine, libGDX or slick assuming you give it the same images and sound to render/play.

Some of the engines may offer different post processing effects (like an effect called bloom that is sometimes used in 3d games) but on a card game I don't think you'll be using those so much.
thanks for the answere so i cut use the slick lib with the andEngine ?? on android ??
no, slick won't run on android.

What I was trying to say is that if you use the same content, ie artwork for your characters then it won't matter what libraries you use to render them, they will look the same. So really your question asked what ones look like slick, all of them do.

libGDX is the one I hear most people using, just go find some tutorials for that. It works on android. AndEngine is exclusively for android so you could use that too.

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