What would be a good game to work after this?

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12 comments, last by Inuyashakagome16 11 years, 8 months ago
I have made a text based combat game maybe 6 months ago with how based on body parts in visual c++. What do you think would be a good follow up to this project

Thank you for your time

Ps I wrote a game after that in allergo to sort of flesh it out, I gave up after two weeks after severel rewrites because the collision detection didnt work and I couldn't find an Internet solution that fitted.

Ps I wrote a game after that in allergo to sort of flesh it out, I gave up after two weeks after severel rewrites because the collision detection didnt work and I couldn't find an Internet solution that fitted.

Perhaps working on the collision detection again would be a good "next project" then. A collision detection module can be re-used many times in multiple projects, so even though it won't be a game itself, it can help you with future games.

What was the problem you were having?
The "off-the-shelf"-answer would be to clone some of the classics like PacMan, Space Invaders, Breakout, Snake or Asteroids. They provide a nice challenge without too steep a learning curve and are still something to be proud of when you're finished.
The problem with cd( collision detection from now on is cd) was probably nothing to do with the mathis I wrote probably had something to do with the fact I used rect() and i don't think it builds it as 4 unique sides
+ what would you have said the most easy "off the shelf" besides pong?

The problem with cd( collision detection from now on is cd) was probably nothing to do with the mathis I wrote probably had something to do with the fact I used rect() and i don't think it builds it as 4 unique sides

I take it then that you needed to know when an object was intersecting with a line (with the line being one of the sides of a rectangle? While rect() actually does draw four individual lines, it is only a drawing function so the line data is not stored anywhere. However, if you are drawing a rectangle, then you have to already know all the information required to create the four line segments yourself.

+ what would you have said the most easy "off the shelf" besides pong?

My guess would be snake.
How familiar are you with DirectX or OpenGL rendering?
Not applicable unfortunatley
What do you mean "not applicable" ? Is there a reason you can't use DX or OpenGL?

Also to answer you're original question, I would say like any basic "pong clone" or anything like that. You could go with a small XNA project for pong / a small racing game and get use to using a graphics library that way.

Since you are using C++ you could also check out SFML as a library.
i don't know either

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