sfml Music giving error

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-1 comments, last by BaneTrapper 11 years, 7 months ago

#include <SFML/System.hpp> // Unsure which one contains sf::Music
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> // Unsure which one contains sf::Music
#include <SFML/Window.hpp> // Unsure which one contains sf::Music
int main()
sf::Music WhatEverName;
return 0;

it says
Process returned - 2147418113 <0x000FFFF> exe... time... 0.154 sec

I tried to find mistake but i am unaware whats going on wrong?
Did i forget to init something, or do i need to clear/delete the music somehow?
why is the return not 0!?

EDIT:: Only thing i found is that this error only happens on Win Xp SP3, i am running win7

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