Helbreath SQL (Help needed)

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4 comments, last by Faelenor 11 years, 8 months ago

Sorry for my bad english :P

I am working on a game and i just started with sql so i would need some help here.
I am working on changing the limit on how much stat i can save in database.
It was TINYINT and thats a range of 0-255, i want to change it to SMALLINT.

And thats when i got into problems, i think i found out what i need to change and i did it,
but it wont save over 255, so i am stuck :(

So i am here asking for some help if anyone would like to help me.

ill post the stuff here if anyone offer their help

Did you check that your table has been altered successfully? When you try to insert or update values over 255, are you directly executing SQL statements or you're doing it through your application? If it's from your application, did you change the type of the data you're submitting?
Yea i changed the info in the table to SmallInt.
1 exe sends to another exe that sends it to database.

Game server sends:
player->SetStr( bGetOffsetValue(pData, 46), false );
player->m_iVit = bGetOffsetValue(pData, 47);
player->SetDex( bGetOffsetValue(pData, 48) );
player->SetInt( bGetOffsetValue(pData, 49), false );
player->SetMag( bGetOffsetValue(pData, 50) );
player->m_iCharisma = bGetOffsetValue(pData, 51);

to Login Server that uses this:

else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Strenght")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 47, BYTESIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Vitality")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 48, BYTESIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Dexterity")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 49, BYTESIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Intelligence")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 50, BYTESIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Magic")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 51, BYTESIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Agility")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 52, BYTESIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));

Its are more places it sends but thats how it works..

BYTESIZE = 1 = TinyInt
WORDSIZE = 2 = SmallInt

and i changed this to WORDSIZE
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Strenght")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 47, WORDSIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Vitality")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 49, WORDSIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Dexterity")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 51, WORDSIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Intelligence")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 53, WORDSIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Magic")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 55, WORDSIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));
else if(IsSame(field[f]->name, "Agility")) PutOffsetValue(Data, 57, WORDSIZE, atoi(myRow[f]));

So it goes up from 47 to 49 and so on.. cause thats right when WORDSIZE takes 2 slots insted of 1 like BYTESIZE.

And this is only a part of the code..
There are a couple of 100 lines that are linked to this part.

Honestly, I have no idea of what this code is doing, but something tells me that the bug is in your code and not in the DB. I don't see any SQL in that code either. I don't know what are these functions, but this code is really awkward and seems to be error prone.

Edit: you should provide the code executing the SQL statement. Also, did you try to debug your application? Put a breakpoint to see what data you're actually sending to the DB.
Here are the full function that saves character info when u log out

void CLoginServer::SaveCharacter(char* Data, MYSQL myConn)
char *cp, AccName[15], AccPwd[15], CharName[15], Location[15], MapName[15], BlockDate[25], SaveDate[25],
GuildName[25], GoodGuildName[50], LockedMapName[15], MagicMastery[105], Profile[260], GoodProfile[520], QueryConsult[10000];
sBYTE DownSkillIndex;
BYTE /*STR, DEX, VIT, INT, MAG, AGI,*/ Luck, Sex, Skin, HairStyle,
HairColor, Underwear, HungerStatus, FightzoneNumber,
FightzoneTicketNumber, CrusadeDuty, NItems, NBankItems, SkillMastery;
sWORD MapLocX, MapLocY, GuildRank, GuildID, CharID1, CharID2, CharID3, QuestRewardType;
WORD STR, DEX, VIT, INT, MAG, AGI, Level, Quest, CurQuestCount, SuperAttackLeft, Gizon, w,
IndexForItem, Index;
sDWORD Rating;
long elo;
DWORD HP, MP, SP, Exp, EK, TotalEK, PK, RewardGold, TimeLeftShutUp, TimeLeftRating, TimeLeftForceRecall,
TimeLeftFirmStaminar, QuestID, QuestRewardAmmount, Contribution, WarContribution, SpecialEventID,
ReserveTime, LockedMapTime, CrusadeGUID, ConstructionPoint, DeadPenaltyTime,
PartyID, SpecialAbilityTime, Appr1, Appr2, Appr3, Appr4, ApprColor, SkillSSN, CharID;
uint64 CurItemID;
BOOL Flag, IsQuestCompleted, bIsBankModified;
st_mysql_res *pQueryResult = NULL;
cItem *ItemInfo;
string itemQuery;
static long charIndexEnd = 252;
//uint32 bench = timeGetTime();
ZeroMemory(CharName, sizeof(CharName));
SafeCopy(CharName, Data, 10);
ZeroMemory(AccName, sizeof(AccName));
SafeCopy(AccName, Data+10, 10);
ZeroMemory(AccPwd, sizeof(AccPwd));
SafeCopy(AccPwd, Data+20, 10);
Flag = (BOOL)bGetOffsetValue(Data, 30);
CharID = GetCharID(CharName, AccName, myConn);
cp = (Data+31);
SaveTime.wYear = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 0);
SaveTime.wMonth = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 2);
SaveTime.wDay = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 3);
SaveTime.wHour = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 4);
SaveTime.wMinute = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 5);
SaveTime.wSecond = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 6);
ZeroMemory(SaveDate, sizeof(SaveDate));
sprintf(SaveDate, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", SaveTime.wYear, SaveTime.wMonth, SaveTime.wDay, SaveTime.wHour, SaveTime.wMinute, SaveTime.wSecond);
ZeroMemory(Location, sizeof(Location));
SafeCopy(Location, cp+7, 10);
ZeroMemory(MapName, sizeof(MapName));
SafeCopy(MapName, cp+17, 10);
MapLocX = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, 27);
MapLocY = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, 29);
ZeroMemory(GuildName, sizeof(GuildName));
SafeCopy(GuildName, cp+31, 20);
GuildID = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 51);
GuildRank = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, 53);
HP = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 55);
MP = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 59);
SP = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 63);
Level = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 67);
Rating = (sDWORD)dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 69);
STR = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 73);
VIT = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 75);
DEX = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 77);
INT = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 79);
MAG = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 81);
AGI = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 83);
Luck = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 84);
Exp = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 85);
EK = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 89);
PK = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 93);
RewardGold = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 97);
DownSkillIndex = (sBYTE)bGetOffsetValue(cp, 101);
CharID1 = (sWORD)dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 102);
CharID2 = (sWORD)dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 106);
CharID3 = (sWORD)dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 110);
Sex = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 114);
Skin = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 115);
HairStyle = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 116);
HairColor = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 117);
Underwear = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 118);
HungerStatus = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 119);
TimeLeftShutUp = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 120);
TimeLeftRating = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 124);
TimeLeftForceRecall = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 128);
TimeLeftFirmStaminar = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 132);
bIsBankModified = (BOOL)bGetOffsetValue(cp, 136);
ZeroMemory(BlockDate, sizeof(BlockDate));
SafeCopy(BlockDate, cp+137, 20);
Quest = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 157);
QuestID = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 159);
CurQuestCount = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 161);
QuestRewardType = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, 163);
QuestRewardAmmount = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 165);
Contribution = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 169);
WarContribution = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 173);
IsQuestCompleted = (BOOL)bGetOffsetValue(cp, 177);
SpecialEventID = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 178);
SuperAttackLeft = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 182);
FightzoneNumber = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 184);
ReserveTime = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 185);
FightzoneTicketNumber = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 189);
SpecialAbilityTime = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 190);
ZeroMemory(LockedMapName, sizeof(LockedMapName));
SafeCopy(LockedMapName, cp+194, 10);
LockedMapTime = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 204);
CrusadeDuty = bGetOffsetValue(cp, 208);
CrusadeGUID = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 209);
ConstructionPoint = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 213);
DeadPenaltyTime = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 217);
PartyID = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 221);
//PartyID = 0;
Gizon = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 225);
SpecialAbilityTime = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 227);
Appr1 = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 231);
Appr2 = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 235);
Appr3 = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 239);
Appr4 = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 243);
ApprColor = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 247);
elo = wGetOffsetValue(cp, 251);
TotalEK = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, 253);
ZeroMemory(MagicMastery, sizeof(MagicMastery));
SafeCopy(MagicMastery, cp+charIndexEnd, 100);
string skillQuery;
skillQuery.append("UPDATE `skill` SET `SkillMastery` = CASE SkillID ");
for (w = 0; w < 24; w++)
SkillMastery = bGetOffsetValue(cp, charIndexEnd+100+w);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "WHEN %u THEN %u ", w, SkillMastery);

skillQuery.append("`SkillSSN` = CASE SkillID ");
for (w = 0; w < 24; w++)
SkillSSN = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, charIndexEnd+124+(w*4));
sprintf(QueryConsult, "WHEN %u THEN %u ", w, SkillSSN);
skillQuery.append("END ");
sprintf(QueryConsult, "WHERE `CharID` = '%lu' LIMIT 24;", CharID);
if(ProcessQuery(&myConn, (char*)skillQuery.c_str()) == -1) return;
pQueryResult = mysql_store_result(&myConn);
NItems = bGetOffsetValue(cp, charIndexEnd+224);
CurItemID = (GetLastInsertedItemID(myConn)+1);
DeleteAllItemsFromChar(CharID, myConn, bIsBankModified);
ItemInfo = new cItem;
if(NItems > 0)
itemQuery.append("INSERT INTO `item` ( `CharID` , `ItemName`, `Count` , `ItemType`, `ID1`, `ID2`, `ID3`, `Color`, \
`Effect1`, `Effect2`, `Effect3`, `LifeSpan`, `Attribute`, `Socket1`, `Socket2`, `Socket3`, `ItemEquip`, \
`ItemPosX`, `ItemPosY`, `ItemID`, `ItemPos`) VALUES");
for(w = 0; w < NItems; w++)
IndexForItem = (WORD)(charIndexEnd+225 + (w*67));
ZeroMemory(ItemInfo->ItemName, sizeof(ItemInfo->ItemName));
SafeCopy(ItemInfo->ItemName, cp+IndexForItem, 20);
if(strlen(ItemInfo->ItemName) == 0) continue;
ItemInfo->ItemCount = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+20));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectType = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+24));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue1 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+26));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue2 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+30));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue3 = (sWORD)dwGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+34));
ItemInfo->ItemColor = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+38));
ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue1 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+39));
ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue2 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+41));
ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue3 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+43));
ItemInfo->CurLifeSpan = wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+45));
ItemInfo->Attribute = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+47));
ItemInfo->socket1 = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+51));
ItemInfo->socket2 = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+52));
ItemInfo->socket3 = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+53));
ItemInfo->IsItemEquipped = (BOOL)bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+54));
ItemInfo->ItemPosX = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+55));
ItemInfo->ItemPosY = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+57));
ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID = ullGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+59));
if(ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID == 0){
ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID = CurItemID;
//ItemInfo->DupItemCode = CheckDupItem(ItemInfo, myConn, FALSE);
ItemInfo->PutItemInBank = FALSE;
if(w) itemQuery.append(",");
sprintf(QueryConsult, "(%lu,'%s',%lu,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%u,%lu,",
CharID ,ItemInfo->ItemName,ItemInfo->ItemCount, ItemInfo->TouchEffectType, ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue1, ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue2, ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue3, ItemInfo->ItemColor, ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue1, ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue2, ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue3, ItemInfo->CurLifeSpan, ItemInfo->Attribute);

if(ItemInfo->socket1 != SG_NONE)
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%u,", ItemInfo->socket1);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "NULL,", ItemInfo->socket1);
if(ItemInfo->socket2 != SG_NONE)
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%u,", ItemInfo->socket2);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "NULL,", ItemInfo->socket2);
if(ItemInfo->socket3 != SG_NONE)
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%u,", ItemInfo->socket3);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "NULL,", ItemInfo->socket3);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%d,%d,%d,%I64u,'BAG')", ItemInfo->IsItemEquipped, ItemInfo->ItemPosX, ItemInfo->ItemPosY, ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID);
DeleteItemOnDB(ItemInfo, CharID, myConn);
if(ProcessQuery(&myConn, (char *) itemQuery.c_str()) == -1) return;
pQueryResult = mysql_store_result(&myConn);
Index = (WORD)(charIndexEnd+225+(NItems*67));
NBankItems = bGetOffsetValue(cp, Index);
if(NBankItems > 0){
itemQuery.append("INSERT INTO `item` ( `CharID` , `ItemName`, `Count` , `ItemType`, `ID1`, `ID2`, `ID3`, \
`Color`, `Effect1`, `Effect2`, `Effect3`, `LifeSpan`, `Attribute`, `Socket1`, `Socket2`, `Socket3`, `ItemID`, `ItemPos`) VALUES ");
for(w = 0; w < NBankItems; w++){
IndexForItem = (WORD)(Index+1+(w*62));
ZeroMemory(ItemInfo->ItemName, sizeof(ItemInfo->ItemName));
SafeCopy(ItemInfo->ItemName, cp+IndexForItem, 20);
if(strlen(ItemInfo->ItemName) == 0) continue;
ItemInfo->ItemCount = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+20));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectType = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+24));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue1 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+26));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue2 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+30));
ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue3 = (sWORD)dwGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+34));
ItemInfo->ItemColor = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+38));
ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue1 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+39));
ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue2 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+41));
ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue3 = (sWORD)wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+43));
ItemInfo->CurLifeSpan = wGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+45));
ItemInfo->Attribute = dwGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+47));
ItemInfo->socket1 = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+51));
ItemInfo->socket2 = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+52));
ItemInfo->socket3 = bGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+53));
ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID = ullGetOffsetValue(cp, (IndexForItem+54));
if(ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID == 0){
ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID = CurItemID;
//ItemInfo->DupItemCode = CheckDupItem(ItemInfo, myConn, TRUE);
ItemInfo->PutItemInBank = TRUE;
if(w) itemQuery.append(",");
sprintf(QueryConsult, "(%lu,'%s',%lu,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%u,%lu,",
CharID ,ItemInfo->ItemName,ItemInfo->ItemCount, ItemInfo->TouchEffectType, ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue1, ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue2, ItemInfo->TouchEffectValue3, ItemInfo->ItemColor, ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue1, ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue2, ItemInfo->ItemSpecEffectValue3, ItemInfo->CurLifeSpan, ItemInfo->Attribute);

if(ItemInfo->socket1 != SG_NONE)
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%u,", ItemInfo->socket1);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "NULL,", ItemInfo->socket1);
if(ItemInfo->socket2 != SG_NONE)
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%u,", ItemInfo->socket2);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "NULL,", ItemInfo->socket2);
if(ItemInfo->socket3 != SG_NONE)
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%u,", ItemInfo->socket3);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "NULL,", ItemInfo->socket3);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "%I64u, 'WH')", ItemInfo->ItemUniqueID);
DeleteItemOnDB(ItemInfo, CharID, myConn);
if(ProcessQuery(&myConn, (char *) itemQuery.c_str()) == -1) return;
pQueryResult = mysql_store_result(&myConn);
Index += ((NBankItems*62)+1);
ZeroMemory(Profile, sizeof(Profile));
SafeCopy(Profile, (cp+Index), strlen(cp+Index));
ZeroMemory(QueryConsult, sizeof(QueryConsult));
ZeroMemory(GoodGuildName, sizeof(GoodGuildName));
MakeGoodName(GoodGuildName, GuildName);
ZeroMemory(GoodProfile, sizeof(GoodProfile));
MakeGoodName(GoodProfile, Profile);
sprintf(QueryConsult, "UPDATE `char_database` SET `LastSaveDate` = '%s',`ID1` = '%d',`ID2` = '%d',`ID3` = '%d',`Level` = '%d',`Strenght` = '%d',`Vitality` = '%d',`Dexterity` = '%d',`Intelligence` = '%d',`Magic` = '%d',`Agility` = '%d',`Luck` = '%d',`Exp` = '%lu',`Gender` = '%d',`Skin` = '%d',`HairStyle` = '%d',`HairColor` = '%d',`Underwear` = '%d',`ApprColor` = '%lu',`Appr1` = '%lu',`Appr2` = '%lu',`Appr3` = '%lu',`Appr4` = '%lu',`Nation` = '%s',`MapLoc` = '%s',`LocX` = '%d',`LocY` = '%d',`Profile` = '%s',`Contribution` = '%lu',`LeftSpecTime` = '%lu',`LockMapName` = '%s',`LockMapTime` = '%lu',`BlockDate` = '%s',`GuildName` = '%s',`GuildID` = '%d',`GuildRank` = '%d',`FightNum` = '%d',`FightDate` = '%lu',`FightTicket` = '%d',`QuestNum` = '%u',`QuestID` = '%u',`QuestCount` = '%u',`QuestRewType` = '%d',`QuestRewAmmount` = '%lu',\
`QuestCompleted` = '%d',`EventID` = '%lu',`WarCon` = '%lu',`CruJob` = '%d',`CruID` = '%lu',`CruConstructPoint` = '%lu', `Popularity` = '%li' ,`HP` = '%lu',`MP` = '%lu',`SP` = '%lu',`EK` = '%lu',`PK` = '%lu',`RewardGold` = '%lu',`DownSkillID` = '%d',`Hunger` = '%d',`LeftSAC` = '%u',`LeftShutupTime` = '%lu',`LeftPopTime` = '%lu',`LeftForceRecallTime` = '%lu',`LeftFirmStaminarTime` = '%lu',`LeftDeadPenaltyTime` = '%lu',`MagicMastery` = '%s',`PartyID` = '%lu',`GizonItemUpgradeLeft` = '%lu',`elo` = '%lu',`TotalEK` = '%lu' WHERE `CharID` = '%lu' LIMIT 1;",
SaveDate, CharID1, CharID2, CharID3, Level, STR, VIT, DEX, INT, MAG, AGI, Luck, Exp, Sex, Skin, HairStyle, HairColor, Underwear, ApprColor, Appr1, Appr2, Appr3, Appr4, Location, MapName, MapLocX, MapLocY, GoodProfile, Contribution, SpecialAbilityTime, LockedMapName, LockedMapTime, BlockDate, GoodGuildName, GuildID, GuildRank, FightzoneNumber, ReserveTime, FightzoneTicketNumber, Quest, QuestID, CurQuestCount, QuestRewardType, QuestRewardAmmount, IsQuestCompleted, SpecialEventID, WarContribution, CrusadeDuty, CrusadeGUID, ConstructionPoint, Rating, HP, MP, SP, EK, PK, RewardGold, DownSkillIndex, HungerStatus, SuperAttackLeft, TimeLeftShutUp, TimeLeftRating, TimeLeftForceRecall, TimeLeftFirmStaminar, DeadPenaltyTime, MagicMastery, PartyID, Gizon, elo, TotalEK, CharID);
//PutLogFileList(QueryConsult, "Logs/SaveCharQuery.txt");
if(ProcessQuery(&myConn, QueryConsult) == -1) return;
pQueryResult = mysql_store_result(&myConn);
//char cTxt[50];
//sprintf(cTxt, "save bench: %u", timeGetTime() - bench);
//PutLogList(cTxt, WARN_MSG);
Sorry... I give up.

I don't want to be rude, but you should learn how to structure your code and make it readable. And learn how to use the debugger.

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