C++ Compiler and IDE

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12 comments, last by jbadams 11 years, 7 months ago
Thanks guys!
Netbeans is nice and clear, good for beginners: http://netbeans.org/
Dev c++ is an alternative

Dev c++ is an alternative

The original Bloodshed Dev-C++ is horribly outdated and broken, and there are a number of good reasons it should never be used. It's ridden with bugs that will never be fixed, it lacks features, and it's not supported. It can also be difficult simply getting it to run on more recent operating systems.

There are however two different updated versions that are alright to use -- they still wouldn't be my choice, but I can't really fault them in any major way apart from the fact that using a relatively unpopular IDE means reduced help and support.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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