Looking for a good keyboard synth program

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2 comments, last by BloodyOats 11 years, 6 months ago
So I have this really terrible keyboard but it is midi and it can connect to my computer via USB. I was wondering if there are any good programs out there where I could use this keyboard as more of a midi controller rather than a keyboard. What I mean by this is I want a program where it is possible to completely not use the sound of the keyboard but rather just use the keyboard to use sounds in the program.

I'd prefer the program be on Linux but if there is one for Windows 7 that would work as well. Does anyone know of such a program that is worth using?

EDIT: I forgot to add that I'm looking for a free program as well such as an open source program.
I got an M-Audio MIDI controller as a gift along with Reason 4. I love it. My keyboard is just a MIDI controller and won't function on its own. If you can get a copy of Reason, I highly suggest it. For electronic/video game music, it has been invaluable.

Otherwise, you could experiment with Freeware such as Reaper and available freeware VST's you can find around the internet
You could start with Ubuntu Studio -- an entire distro build around making music, complete with kernel tweaked for realtime throughput.

I use regular Ubuntu with Rosegarden for a DAW and have several synths plugged in, and a virtual patch bay (JackRack) so my MIDI controller can be routed through the sequencer to any of them. It just works.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. It will probably be a few days before I can check these things out since I just started rearranging my workspace to incorporate a keyboard etc. I have one question though. Will Ubuntu Studio work with most/all Linux installations. I'm more familiar with Fedora but am still new to Linux. If not I can always give Ubuntu a try.

EDIT: Nevermind Ubuntu Studio is another OS. Hmm, thanks. I think I'll burn this to disk tomorrow and give it a shot.

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