Take our new Developer Economics 10-minute survey and win prizes!

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-1 comments, last by Matos 11 years, 6 months ago
Take our new Developer Economics 10-minute survey and win prizes! www.visionmobile.com/DE13Forums Take 10 minutes and fill out our survey and enter a draw for great prizes: including an iPhone 5, a Samsung Galaxy SIII, a Galaxy Tab 2, 2 x Nokia Lumia 920, Blackberry Dev Alpha and a 4G LTE Blackberry PlayBook.

Each of our respondents gets a free 3-month subscription of crash reporting for their apps (value of 57 USD). Just take the survey and Bugsense will be in touch to set up your prize.

The results will be avaialble as a free report - see www.DeveloperEconomics.com for the previous report

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