Moving from Java to c++

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20 comments, last by Saruman 11 years, 6 months ago

Brace yourself for the horrors of memory management

Nowdays, we got good memory leak detectors that point out the actual location in your source code where the memory leak occured.
My favorite is Visual Leak Detector(compatible with VS 08, 10 and 12)
I do not think the manual memory management is going to be a "horror".
An invisible text.

I do not think the manual memory management is going to be a "horror".

I agree as realistically if using C++11 and RAII properly there shouldn't be much worry about memory management/leaks at all. As mentioned above there are also good tools for tracking things down if needed.. although using std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, and std::weak_ptr effectively really makes things quite simple. I actually find memory management easier in C++11 than using garbage collected languages as the pointer classes are safe and I still control their actual point of destruction... imo it's a win-win.

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