Google MapView shows up blank on device

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-1 comments, last by SuperVGA 11 years, 6 months ago
Hi guys! So, from what I've read during the weekend, yesterday and today this seems like one of a million posts about MapView displaying blank.

- This is on the device.
- This is with the release key. (which is also in use on the google play)
- I've followed the guidelines. (and checked every step several times)

I would like to sort of start over and create a new signing key for release,
but then I'd have to unpublish the app and sort of start a new one up, on google play.
This is a basic news app that has been extended over the releases, lately with a map feature.
This is why the MapView has been added later - it wasn't planned to start out with.

I've done this:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg DSA -keysize 2048 -validity 100000
// REM answered the questions.
keytool -v -list -keystore release.keystore
// REM Noted the MD5 sum
Typed in the MD5 sum over at
// REM Copied the resulting -node and api key,
// REM and used these in my code

It used to work fine with the debug keystore generated by eclipse ADT (where i repeated the steps after the key generation as above), but for some reason even that has stopped working now.

I even went over to the api console and try adding the keys there (For Maps API v2), but it didn't make any difference so I removed them again.

The account I used at is the same as the one I use with google play.

Sorry about the confusing description, or if I'm being too vague. Please ask all the questions you like,
I'm dying to solve this problem. Thanks! :)

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