Problem with Windows Phone "Hello World" code

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4 comments, last by danromeo 11 years, 6 months ago
Knowledgeable Ones,

I am following the MS code for "How to create your first XNA Game Studio 4.0 app for Windows Phone", here:

I am getting screwed up output in the Windows Phone Emulator. Screen shot is attached.

Worthy of note: In the MS tutorial it says to select a deployment target of Emulator WVGA. This option is not listed for me.....the deployment targets that are listed for me in Visual Studio are Windows Phone Device, Windows Phone Emulator - 256mb, and Windows Phone Emulator 512mb. I get the same output with every option.

I downloaded all of the tools yesterday, so I'm assuming they are up to date.

What's wrong?

That looks like the rather common bug of graphics getting messed up on the emulator if not running in (on-phone) fullscreen mode. Use GraphicsDeviceManager.IsFullScreen = true.
I tried changing to full screen, no difference. Also downloaded the MS code and ran it.....same output.
MS code does not use fullscreen.

However, if you changed that and it still doesn't work, I guess you have a different problem :/
I confirmed that my graphics card is up to snuff: ATI FirePro V3750

DirectX 10 or DirectX 11 graphics card with WDDM 1.1 or later driver, and DDI 10 or later. For additional information, see Optimizing Performance for Windows Phone Emulator. For information about determining the current configuration, see DirectX Configuration in this topic.
Update....if I change the orientation of the Windows Phone Emulator a couple of times then it starts rendering correctly. Wierd.

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