Does anyone else struggle with problem solving?

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22 comments, last by MrJoshL 11 years, 6 months ago
if your problem is problem solving and logic, there is no tutorial that will save you. You need to get that brain produce some outputs, stuffing in more inputs into a congested brain won't do any good. You've been studying programming for years you say, time to get something out. If you can't code a tic tac toe game after 2 years of studying, imo you should start considering the option that, perhaps, your energies would be better spent on something else than programming.

Stefano Casillo
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if your problem is problem solving and logic, there is no tutorial that will save you. You need to get that brain produce some outputs, stuffing in more inputs into a congested brain won't do any good. You've been studying programming for years you say, time to get something out. If you can't code a tic tac toe game after 2 years of studying, imo you should start considering the option that, perhaps, your energies would be better spent on something else than programming.

I don't spend nearly as much time coding as I should. And I tried coding the game in C++, which I haven't really experienced yet.

I'm not quitting now, I've wasted too much energy in this to quit.

I understand what the syntax for the languages do, how to use them, etc.

Problem is. When it comes to solving a problem (ie making a simple console game of tic-tac-toe). I struggle to figure out HOW to solve it, like what variables, etc are needed. Is there a way around this? I have a book called "How to Think Like A Programmer". But is this really something I can work around?

Draw a flowchart of what you want your program to do before you start writing code. Plan it out ahead of time and what variables and functions you need will start to become more obvious. Let that stuff come out of the design.

I've seen people say that is horrible learning resource. I've also heard people say that C++ Primer is a good book.
The C++ tutorials from thenewboston seem decent as well.
Who says that cplusplus is a horrible resource (not saying its good) and then says that The New Boston is decent? TNB is absolutely horrible. I remember watching his videos when I was a nub and even then I could tell he had errors and didn't even cover many a subject. But, take my advice, don't go learn C++. If you want to learn a low level and powerful language, learn C, but not C++. K&R is a great resource for C.

C dominates the world of linear procedural computing, which won't advance. The future lies in MASSIVE parallelism.

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