What should I do with all my code?

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5 comments, last by makuto 11 years, 5 months ago
So, I've been programming for a few years know and was wondering what you guys do with all your code. Do you just keep it on your hard drive, have a personal Github, or just remove it when you're done with it etc.?

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I mirror my code on my two machines. My actual projects get assembla repos too.
I have a Subversion server setup in the corner of my apartment on an old laptop of mine. All my projects are checked into a repository on that machine, and I have local copies of the projects on the computers I work with (a laptop and my desktop machine). Seems to work pretty well. I know version control isn't backup, but it's close enough to fit my needs.
I've got a home Linux box that I use as a Git server that I push all my projects to. They just live on there when I'm not working on them or have abandoned them. My old code from several years ago (when I was newer to programming) are backed up in a folder somewhere... I'm not sure exactly where...
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Got an online SVN server. Probably not great. The rules are always have 2 or more copies of your files. So:

1. Set up an online SVN for ease of use
2. Get an external hard-drive and clone the SVN repository to it, update this hard drive with fresh source from the SVN repository often.
3. Clone your svn repository where ever you need it.

The copies on your computers count as copies too....

Or you could get a network accessed external hard drive and use that as a file server, set up git, svn, mercurial on it (if you can), and commit/update from that.
I say Code! You say Build! Code! Build! Code! Build! Can I get a woop-woop? Woop! Woop!
I'm currently using bitbucket to host my code (using git) as they offer free private repositories for up to 5 users.

Most of my very old stuff is sitting in harddrives stacked under my desk. When I got rid of my most ancient computers, I took the hard drives out and put them in some cheap IDE enclosures. I still have some Amiga floppy disks in a bag somewhere with code on them.

I keep everything, I am a real code hoardersmile.png My current project contains some bits of code which I wrote over ten years ago for a completely different platform.

Just finished work on Antigen for iPhone and iPod Touch - www.richardjdare.com

Thanks for all of the suggestions! I set up a Github account for myself to keep all of my code.

Want to get to know my work and I better? See my website: Au 79 Games

I wrote General Tips on the Process of Solo Game Development

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