IOTD not as popular?

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13 comments, last by Daaark 11 years, 5 months ago
also IOTD has some bugs, I am sure someone already reported them as they are not from yesterday, but anyway I am posting this image for the site admins. Please fix it :)

I am posting this image for the site admins.

Thanks for the report! Did you get this error just viewing the image in question, or only when you commented, or...?

- Jason Astle-Adams

[quote name='DpakoH' timestamp='1354864983' post='5008019']
I am posting this image for the site admins.

Thanks for the report! Did you get this error just viewing the image in question, or only when you commented, or...?
only when the page loads after posting my comment. if i refresh the page again, the errors are gone.

only when the page loads after posting my comment. if i refresh the page again, the errors are gone.

Ah there we go.. fixed.
The mouse over zoom is highly annoying.

IOTD has never very been popular here, because this isn't a good site for creative stuff. It's a site where people have arguments about C#/C++ and other nonsense. A lot of the user base come off as anti-social shut-ins and have no love or understanding of game art, or gaming culture. It's just C++ talk, and whatever the newest rendering technique.

When you do see something worthwhile in there, it's usually from someone who never posts here! That Kung Fu Superstar thing looks awesome, but that was a drive by post by a guy who posted 4 times in 11 years. There is another nice looking thing posted recently that is just a static render made in some DCC packages. Out of place, regardless of how nice it is.

Then there is the posts that are "I took a bunch of models I googled, and implemented a buzzword buzzword deferred buzzword renderer". Okay.. who cares? That's not anything. That's like posting a picture of a screwdriver and a hammer. Do something with it first. Post a game. Make actual content. Buzzword renderer is not interesting on it's own. It's putting the cart before the horse (and sometimes, there isn't even a horse)!

A good IOTD gallery is that self updates by linking anything with the twitter tag #ScreenshotSaturday. I believe it was started by the TIGSource forums community, which is a great place to post screenshots and get feedback on your games. They have a nice section to make DevLogs too. The members there actually make games and discuss their creation. Creative talk. Not programming talk.

Not trying to hate on GameDev, it just is what it is. The people working on cool stuff are under NDA, and the artistic people are posting on sites that are better suited for good quality feedback and discussion. There is no real creativity going on here today. Just talk about how Java and C++ implement exceptions under the hood.

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