The Journey of the Beginner

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9 comments, last by DejaimeNeto 10 years, 5 months ago
Hello everybody.

I'm new and just wanted to say hello to everybody!

All my life I've been attracted to computers, and programming concretely. I've also been in love with gaming all my life, since I was 3yo I played games. I started with the Sega Mega Drive (I'm 23yo) and the Lion King game, lol.

I tried to take a course at school, a programming course. The problem was the teachers were pretty much assholes and didn't help much, plus I had a job and didn't manage quite well with so many things going on, so I quited. I didn't need teachers that didn't help, neither help you to find the answers to your questions.

Now I'm coming back on my own to try to learn a bit. I tasted Java on the course and Python by myself, but didn't go super-deep, since I started to see that C/C++ was the language/s most used and decided to switch.

I understand the basics of programming, and already started to dive into C with the help of Zed Shaw. I'm following his tutorials.

I just wanted to know which books (paying and free) and which tutorials do you advise me to take. I'm more focused on game development. <- (I talk write too much, this is the actual and only question :D)

I already understand certain things like procedural programming and object oriented programming, arrays... At least in a basic level, don't mix it too much or I'll get lost. I could make simple games with Python and Pygame, with different stages and using OOP. Not very good aesthetics though, lol!

I also wanted to keep in touch with people who is learning too. I'm not a loner, I love to share what I do and so on, so I'd prefer to talk to more people that is on my level, we can make trials together and so on, and who knows, maybe in the future we are great programmers and work together!

I'll be back soon asking more concrete things of C... I ask forgiveness in advance if I ask asked questions, human after all.

Regards and good nite!

The C Programming Language (2nd ed) is often said to be THE C book to read. I've never read it, but I am sure the reason so many people think it's good is because it really is good. It's not related to game programming, but I think it will help with C programming in general.

Hello everybody.

I'm new and just wanted to say hello to everybody!

All my life I've been attracted to computers, and programming concretely. I've also been in love with gaming all my life, since I was 3yo I played games. I started with the Sega Mega Drive (I'm 23yo) and the Lion King game, lol.

I tried to take a course at school, a programming course. The problem was the teachers were pretty much assholes and didn't help much, plus I had a job and didn't manage quite well with so many things going on, so I quited. I didn't need teachers that didn't help, neither help you to find the answers to your questions.

Now I'm coming back on my own to try to learn a bit. I tasted Java on the course and Python by myself, but didn't go super-deep, since I started to see that C/C++ was the language/s most used and decided to switch.

I understand the basics of programming, and already started to dive into C with the help of Zed Shaw. I'm following his tutorials.

I just wanted to know which books (paying and free) and which tutorials do you advise me to take. I'm more focused on game development. <- (I talk write too much, this is the actual and only question biggrin.png)

I already understand certain things like procedural programming and object oriented programming, arrays... At least in a basic level, don't mix it too much or I'll get lost. I could make simple games with Python and Pygame, with different stages and using OOP. Not very good aesthetics though, lol!

I also wanted to keep in touch with people who is learning too. I'm not a loner, I love to share what I do and so on, so I'd prefer to talk to more people that is on my level, we can make trials together and so on, and who knows, maybe in the future we are great programmers and work together!

I'll be back soon asking more concrete things of C... I ask forgiveness in advance if I ask asked questions, human after all.

Regards and good nite!


I don't have the link, but on this forum there was a link to which languages to use. The gist of it was choose a language you are more familiarized with and work with that. C++ is only very effect when you get into very advance procedural things, but if you aren't doing these such complex things languages like Python will match up with C++. There are engines such as Panda3D or Blender Game Engine which use python for scripting, or you could even learn OpenGl with the Python binding, PyOpenGL.
It's also up to you what you really want to do. Don't feel you should go to a different language because the "pros" use them. These 'pros' typically make AAA games with million+ dollar price tags on them.
Just do what you like, if you feel you really do want to learn C++ then do so. (C++ refrence) (C++ tutorial) (C++/OpenGL tutorials)
If you want to play with 2D graphics there is SDL, SFML, and Allegro. 3D typically OpenGL for low level stuff, which is typically harder, but you learn more.

I tried to take a course at school, a programming course. The problem was the teachers were pretty much assholes and didn't help much, plus I had a job and didn't manage quite well with so many things going on, so I quited. I didn't need teachers that didn't help, neither help you to find the answers to your questions.

That reminds me of my first and only programming course, I ended up dropping it after 3 weeks, teacher bored me to death, we only used pascal, there was far too much theory on even the most simplest things, it truly put me off programming for many many years, which is a shame since I love it so much now.

Now I'm coming back on my own to try to learn a bit. I tasted Java on the course and Python by myself, but didn't go super-deep, since I started to see that C/C++ was the language/s most used and decided to switch.

While ultimately it is your decision on what language you pick, you dont need to use C++ to see actual results, just search this section for a bit, theres a managed vs C++ debate every other hour which may change your opinion on the language you choose.

I just wanted to know which books (paying and free) and which tutorials do you advise me to take. I'm more focused on game development. <- (I talk write too much, this is the actual and only question )

Eitherway here are some C++ books

[Wrox] Beginning Visual C++ 2012. It is a great starter book, great author too, doesnt focus on game development at all and theres minimum application development but it covers the basics of C++ nicely.

The C++ Programming Language, by Bjarne Stroutstrup (guy who created C++). Detailed and complex, but it does cover a lot of areas that are very easy to overlook. I would wait for the new version, and only read WHEN you are comfortable with C++

Game development is a pretty big area, and theres so many directions one could pick, but the main thing is to be comfortable with the language you pick then focus on games.

I also wanted to keep in touch with people who is learning too. I'm not a loner, I love to share what I do and so on, so I'd prefer to talk to more people that is on my level, we can make trials together and so on, and who knows, maybe in the future we are great programmers and work together!

Theres always #gamedev - AfterNET but for everything else the crowd is pretty friendly here, leave your e-mail and skype / msn / google chat and someone will likely add you

Also which im assuming goes to the right channel
Well, the best advice I can give you in a short anecdote is that if you want to get started, just hop right in, the figurative wagon is waiting. That is, find yourself a good C resource (I recommend The C Programming Language), read it, DO THE EXAMPLES, start writing C programs, start writing C programs, start writing C programs, start writing C programs, start writing C programs, start writing C programs, and finally, understand my point.

I quited

You quit, you didn't "quited." biggrin.png

P.S: Anywhere C is used above in reference to the language and not in parenthesis, you can replace that with whatever other language you will be using.

C dominates the world of linear procedural computing, which won't advance. The future lies in MASSIVE parallelism.

Thanks everybody for your help.

I'm going to focus my efforts in learning C. I'm not in a hurry so I prefer to learn the basics of programming. I'll jump to other languages if needed and when needed.

I'll be in AfterNET, #gamedev, as Nihdez :)

See you around guys!
Depends really on what you want to do !! If you want to learn a Programming Language get any beginner's book. Can order through any on-line book story.
If you want to learn how to write a game, First put away your computer, get a paper and pencil, Some sketch paper and start there. Before you gat program your game, you must know how it is going to work. All games must be worked out on the kitchen table to find out how they will work, develop your rules and apply them on the tabletop version.
Even FPS(First Person Shooters) have to have a map to get from start to Finish. Once you get that finished then we can start programming.

Your Brain contains the Best Program Ever Written : Manage Your Data Wisely !!

I felt the same about the teacher in a c++ class i took. The teacher didnt care if you learned or not, all he was doing was rushing through the material as fast as possible. Going at 60-80 pages a week. Im sorry but I like to learn and not cram and thats very important when it comes to programming

After a lot of reading on the net I came to the conclusion that C/C++ is not a requirement to start making games and that, actually, it would be a better idea to just keep learning Python and using Pygame, to start creating small projects.

Thanks again everybody for your help and sorry for bringing back to life an old post.

BTW: I just re-read my post, sorry for all the grammar mistakes, my native language is Spanish and I should double check what I write.

I have searched FOREVER to find a straightforward programming tutorial for C++. I have finally found a free video tutorial on it. It is not as entertaining as others, but the information is solid.

As for game development, I use Maratis 3d engine because I can test ideas out using code very easily. I haven't stepped into the C++ side of the engine yet but I have managed to get a lot out of the editor alone using LUA.

I am just using it more for educational purposes right now (I like to see my code visually). One guy used it for a homework assignment to display the vectors of from several locations on a map. One person used it as a render engine.

If you need a specific tutorial I can try to find one.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

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