C++ Job Interview Books

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5 comments, last by emcconnell 11 years, 5 months ago
Hi all,

I am a c++ hobby game programmer of about 6 years. I just code engines and graphics stuff for the fun of it. I am now at the stage where I want to start applying for some studios. Does anyone have a recommendation for some books that cover the common C++ test questions in these companies? For example I know roughly how a linked list works, did I ever need to code it? hell no I just use std::list. So I guess I am somewhat a lazy programmer. I need some book which covers all the basic stuff that they could ask me to catch me out.

The book "Programming Interviews Exposed" covers the kind of programming problems that software companies ask. It isn't specific to C++ or game studios but it gets into the algorithmic thinking that's necessary. I've found it helpful to review before going in to interviews.
Cracking the Coding Interview is a good book
An invisible text.
Most of the questions about how to construct a linked list are to see how you think and how you solve problems. There are no standard questions you will get asked in the interview. In the interview for my current job I wasn't asked any technical questions at all. Some places give you a problem you need to solve at home and send back to them upon which they decide to interview you or not. It all depends on the company you are applying for, your best bets of getting in are knowing people there that will recommend you.

Worked on titles: CMR:DiRT2, DiRT 3, DiRT: Showdown, GRID 2, theHunter, theHunter: Primal, Mad Max, Watch Dogs: Legion

I have no experience interviewing for a game company but I have heard stories. There will obviously be a test. From what I have heard you should know your basic algorithms really well because odds are you will get put on the spot and have to write at least psudo code out on a whiteboard. It is not all about coding you may even run into your fair share of math questions. In interviews they not only want to see what you know but ensure you have the passion neccessary to deal with the low pay high stress environment game development brings. Books can help to a certain extent but a solid portfolio can work wonders because it shows you can create and see through a project to the end. A degree helps as well I did not see you mention that as you said hobby but if you have a CS degree already or some other degree it will make things much easier.

The book "Programming Interviews Exposed" covers the kind of programming problems that software companies ask. It isn't specific to C++ or game studios but it gets into the algorithmic thinking that's necessary. I've found it helpful to review before going in to interviews.

I second this. I pretty much review this book for every interview I've had for the last five years and it is a great help.

Hero of Allacrost - A free, open-source 2D RPG in development.
Latest release June, 2015 - GameDev annoucement

I'm always partial to Effective C++. It doesn't focus on interviewing but it will help you "level up" your C++ skill. Like others have said, be prepared to answer algorithm based questions. A lot of companies will ask you to solve "blah blah blah" in O(nlogn) or use a "greedy algorithm". Other companies might just ask specific syntax or semantic questions. When we hire for our small company, we care more about how they solved the problem rather than what the answer was.

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